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Fundamentals of Probability
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a course on the fundamentals of probability geared towards first or second-year graduate students who are interested in a rigorous development of the subject. The course covers sample space, random variables, expectations, transforms, Bernoulli and Poisson processes, finite Markov chains, and limit theorems. There is also a number of additional topics such as: language, terminology, and key results from measure theory; interchange of limits and expectations; multivariate Gaussian distributions; and deeper understanding of conditional distributions and expectations.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Polyanskiy, Yury
Date Added:
Information Theory
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a graduate-level introduction to mathematics of information theory. We will cover both classical and modern topics, including information entropy, lossless data compression, binary hypothesis testing, channel coding, and lossy data compression.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Polyanskiy, Yury
Date Added:
Library Carpentry: Introduction to Git
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Library Carpentry lesson: An introduction to Git. What We Will Try to Do Begin to understand and use Git/GitHub. You will not be an expert by the end of the class. You will probably not even feel very comfortable using Git. This is okay. We want to make a start but, as with any skill, using Git takes practice. Be Excellent to Each Other If you spot someone in the class who is struggling with something and you think you know how to help, please give them a hand. Try not to do the task for them: instead explain the steps they need to take and what these steps will achieve. Be Patient With The Instructor and Yourself This is a big group, with different levels of knowledge, different computer systems. This isn’t your instructor’s full-time job (though if someone wants to pay them to play with computers all day they’d probably accept). They will do their best to make this session useful. This is your session. If you feel we are going too fast, then please put up a pink sticky. We can decide as a group what to cover.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Alex Mendes
Alexander Gary Zimmerman
Alexander Mendes
Amiya Maji
Amy Olex
Andrew Lonsdale
Annika Rockenberger
Begüm D. Topçuoğlu
Belinda Weaver
Benjamin Bolker
Bill McMillin
Brian Moore
Casey Youngflesh
Christoph Junghans
Christopher Erdmann
Dan Michael O. Heggø
David Jennings
Erin Alison Becker
Evan Williamson
Garrett Bachant
Grant Sayer
Ian Lee
Jake Lever
Jamene Brooks-Kieffer
James Baker
James E McClure
James O'Donnell
James Tocknell
Janoš Vidali
Jeffrey Oliver
Jeremy Teitelbaum
Jeyashree Krishnan
Joe Atzberger
Jonah Duckles
Jonathan Cooper
João Rodrigues
Katherine Koziar
Katrin Leinweber
Kunal Marwaha
Kurt Glaesemann
L.C. Karssen
Lauren Ko
Lex Nederbragt
Madicken Munk
Maneesha Sane
Marie-Helene Burle
Mark Woodbridge
Martino Sorbaro
Matt Critchlow
Matteo Ceschia
Matthew Bourque
Matthew Hartley
Maxim Belkin
Megan Potterbusch
Michael Torpey
Michael Zingale
Mingsheng Zhang
Nicola Soranzo
Nima Hejazi
Nora McGregor
Oscar Arbeláez
Peace Ossom Williamson
Raniere Silva
Rayna Harris
Rene Gassmoeller
Rich McCue
Richard Barnes
Ruud Steltenpool
Ryan Wick
Rémi Emonet
Samniqueka Halsey
Samuel Lelièvre
Sarah Stevens
Saskia Hiltemann
Schlauch, Tobias
Scott Bailey
Shari Laster
Simon Waldman
Stefan Siegert
Thea Atwood
Thomas Morrell
Tim Dennis
Tommy Keswick
Tracy Teal
Trevor Keller
Tyler Crawford Kelly
Tyler Reddy
Umihiko Hoshijima
Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati
Wes Harrell
Will Usher
William Sacks
Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström
Date Added:
Obligaciones Tributarias y su Influencia en la Recaudación Fiscal de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

La investigación titulada: “Obligaciones tributarias y su influencia en la recaudación fiscal de las micro y pequeñas empresas” tuvo como propósito reflejar la influencia de las obligaciones tributarias en la recaudación fiscal, también busca reducir la informalidad, y ampliar la base tributaria mediante beneficios otorgados a las micro y pequeñas empresas que se acojan a los regímenes tributarios, con la finalidad de aumentar la recaudación fiscal. La estructura se desarrollado en base de cuatro capítulos, el CAPÍTULO I trata sobre el planteamiento del problema, la formulación, objetivos y justificación, CAPÍTULO II abarcó los antecedentes de estudio, bases teóricas sobre el tema de investigación, bases conceptuales, definición de términos, hipótesis, variables y la operacionalización de variables, el CAPÍTULO III contiene los materiales y métodos que se utilizó en el presente estudio finalmente el CAPÍTULO IV trató sobre la discusión de resultados, análisis de la información y la prueba de hipótesis. Como parte final del presente estudio comprende las conclusiones, recomendaciones, referencias bibliográficas y anexos.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Andrés Jesús Ramírez-Laurente
Emiliano Reymundo-Soto
Erick Zenon Gutiérrez-Quispe
Estheysi Vianny Echevarria-Quispe
Luis Julio Palacios-Aguilar
Xiomara Padua Fernández-Condori
Yuri Quispe-Cusi
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 63-year-old woman with  a thyroid nodule
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a 63 year old woman with elevated calcium who, on work-up for hyperparathyroidism, was found to have a single nodule within the superior pole of the left lobe of her thyroid, measuring 0.5 cm, as well as three hypoechoic nodules of the right lobe, measuring up to 2.0 cm. The patient underwent surgical parathyroid exploration and total thyroidectomy after fine needle aspiration of the dominant right lobe nodule demonstrated a "follicular neoplasm or lesion." However, the remainder of this case will focus on a smaller right lobe nodule that was not biopsied.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Rebecca Leeman-Neill
Somak Roy
Yuri Nikiforov
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: An Elderly Man with Lung Adenocarcinoma
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient was an elderly man in his 80s who presented with dyspnea, fatigue, and subacute weight loss. Imaging identified a large left lower lobe mass with mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A CT-guided biopsy was performed, which identified a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (Figure 1) which was positive for CK7 and TTF-1 but negative for CK5/6 and p40, consistent with lung origin. Ancillary testing was performed, and the tumor cells were positive for PD-L1 (TPS 50%) and negative for ALK by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) was negative for ALK rearrangement (other targets failed). Oncomine next generation sequencing (NGS) was also performed, which identified a TP53 mutation, MET splice site mutation near codon D981, and "fusion" adjoining exons 13 and 15 of MET (Figures 2 and 3).

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
John M. Skaugen
Tim D. Oury
Yuri E. Nikiforov
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: in an Elderly Woman Molecular Testing of a Thyroid Nodule
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a woman in her 70s who was referred to a head and neck surgeon for evaluation of a left thyroid nodule. On ultrasound, the nodule measured 2.3 cm with calcifications. She subsequently underwent fine needle aspiration biopsy and specimens were sent for cytology, the result of which prompted molecular testing on the FNA specimen.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Remegio J. Maglantay Jr.
Yuri E. Nikifirov Michael S. Landau
Date Added:
Pattern Recognition for Machine Vision
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The applications of pattern recognition techniques to problems of machine vision is the main focus for this course. Topics covered include, an overview of problems of machine vision and pattern classification, image formation and processing, feature extraction from images, biological object recognition, bayesian decision theory, and clustering.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Electronic Technology
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Heisele, Bernd
Ivanov, Yuri
Date Added: