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Construction Contracting: Business and Legal Principles, Second edition
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About Construction Contracting: Business and Legal Principles, 2nd edition by Stuart H. Bartholomew: Exceptionally practical and authoritative, this introduction to construction contracting as it applies to typical, every-day situations explains “theoretical” ideas in terms of what really happens in practice. It emphasizes the more common case law holdings and industry customs that help avoid troublesome legal issues during the completion of a project. - Provided by previous publisher.

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Table of Contents
1. Interface of the Law with the Construction Industry
2. Contract Formation, Privity of Contract, and Other Contract Relationships
3. The Prime Contract - An Overview
4. Prime Contract - Format and Major Components
5. Owner-Construction Contractor Prime Contract "Red Flag" Clauses
6. Labor Agreements
7. Purchase Order and Subcontract Agreements
8. Insurance Contracts
9. Surety Bonds
10. Joint-Venture Agreements
11. Bid and Proposals
12. Mistakes in Bids
13. Breach of Contract
14. Contract Changes
15. Differing Site Conditions
16. Delays, Suspensions, and Terminations
17. Liquidated Damages, Force Majeure, and Time Extensions
18. Allocating Responsibility for Delays
19. Constructive Acceleration
20. Common Rules of Contract Interpretation
21. Documentation and Records
22. Construction Contract Claims
23. Dispute Resolution

Published in 2002 as ISBN 1-13-091055-4 | Rights reverted to estate 2022 | Published by the Open Education Initiative of the University Libraries at Virginia Tech 2022 as ISBN 978-1-957213-20-0 under CC BY NC SA 4.0.

(c) Estate of Stuart H. Bartholomew. Released with permission by the University Libraries at Virginia Tech under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial- ShareAlike (CC BY NC-SA) 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode This material was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc.

Any derivatives of this work must comply with the requirements of the Creative Commons license and include the following statement, “This material was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc.”

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Stuart H. Bartholomew
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