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Pension Finance and Management
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Short Description:
This open textbook is a living document of knowledge and skills needed by finance students and professionals to design, govern, and invest financial resources from savings set aside during the working years, either by law (e.g., Canada Pension Plan), by mutual agreement (e.g. occupational pension plan), or privately (e.g. Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Tax-Free Savings Plan). Saving for retirement is among the most important financial decisions that Canadians will make in their lifetime, along with getting a mortgage and saving for their child(ren)’s education. This textbook is a work-in-progress that will evolve and grow over time to provide current information for adoption and adaptation in Accounting, Finance, and Management courses and programs.

Long Description:
This open textbook is a living document of knowledge and skills needed by finance students and professionals to design, govern, and invest financial resources from savings set aside during the working years, either by law (e.g., Canada Pension Plan), by mutual agreement (e.g. occupational pension plan), or privately (e.g. Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Tax-Free Savings Plan). Saving for retirement is among the most important financial decisions that Canadians will make in their lifetime, along with getting a mortgage and saving for their child(ren)’s education. While books and reports for a general audience, advanced graduate students, and practicing pension finance professionals exist, no postsecondary textbooks, eTextbooks, or appropriate open educational resources were available that specifically addressed the needs of undergraduate or introductory masters students. This textbook is a work-in-progress that will evolve and grow over time to provide current, relevant information for adoption and adaptation in Accounting, Finance, and Management courses and programs.

Cover art: Ryan J. Frith

Word Count: 39842

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
eCampus Ontario
Nobuko Fujita
Rajeeva Sinha
Date Added: