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See-Think-Wonder - This is an introductory activity for my birth control unit.  I introduce a lot of different forms of birth control that the students haven’t heard of before.  So the plan would be to have different stations with the examples of the birth control on each table (room set up attached below).  I will have the students fill out the note organizer (attached below) and have them fill it out.  Students will receive a worksheet for each birth control that is out.  It is okay if they don’t know what it is, as we will be covering all the birth controls in depth.  It will be a fun way for the students to walk around and get introduced to new forms of birth control, also it can be funny to see what they students come up with.

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Paige Bolton
Date Added:
What Birth Control is Right For You?
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0.0 stars

After you have completed the See-Think-Wonder activity the students will be taking an online quiz that will tell them what birth control is right for them.  The What birth control is right for me?-Quiz  is an online app that will walk the students through questions and in the end it will give them what birth control is right for them.  After they have completed this they will then be taking What birth control is right for me?-Survey on Canvas.  They just put their result answer in the survey and then as a class we will be looking at the results.  The survey is anonymous.  We will redo this survey once we have learned about all forms of birth control to see if their results are the same of different. 

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Paige Bolton
Date Added: