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Python textbook for Statistical inference and data science
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The chapters in their current form have been made available to students who used Python in my Decision Science course in Fall 2019 (the course I had to prep for. Most students used R, but this helped those who choose Python). It has also been used as reference for students and project partners who use Python but have not had any training on using Python for data management.

This work is still useful for those learning Python as a data analysis platform as well as those who need to convert R code into Python due to deployment needs or to take advantage of Python resources in other domains. While it was not used as a textbook, the material was used by students in my decision models course and in senior capstone course for those who choose to use Python instead of R. While it seemed to help, the students had more difficulty than students who used R.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Kiatikun Louis Luangkesorn
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