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Unit Redesign Template and Week 9 and 10 Lesson Plan
Unrestricted Use
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Here’s an optional template you can use to organize and share your materials. Use it directly, use it as a guide to create your own, or submit something different.
This is your own copy that you can edit directly. Remember to set your “share” permissions to “anyone with the link can view.”
Remember to set public permissions for any materials that you link out to. Copy and paste the CC-BY licensing footer onto documents that you have created.
Be sure to delete all instructional text. Your finished product should be ready to share with other instructors who did not participate in the EOE cohort.

The goal is to redesign your “unit” and provide another instructor with the context and materials they would need to implement it.

Lesson plan and content materials for weeks 9 and 10 for CIS 288M - MS Windows Server Admin II

CIS 288M - MS Windows Server Admin II

This course is the third in a series of three courses centered around managing Microsoft servers in an Active Directory domain environment. Instruction includes, but is not limited to: Active Directory; group policy objects; Active Directory Certificate Services; Active Directory Federation Services; Web Application Proxy; and Active Directory Rights Management Services. This course will help students prepare for a current Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Exam.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
John Blackwood
Date Added: