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Marriage, Intimate Relationships and Families
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This introductory level course provides an overview of core concepts and theories which contribute to our understanding of intimate relationships and families. The text provides a structure and sequence of issues for the course, but the students will contribute much of the content. A heutagogical instructional design allows students in the course to provide much of the substantive content and teaching presence. Student led class discussions provide the opportunity for an engaging and personally relevant exploration of the material.

Long Description:
Heutagogy: Learner Determined Learning! The course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to learn the core concepts and theories relevant to the study of intimate relationships and families, and understand how those concepts and theories apply to their lives. Course design incorporates student-led class discussions that empower each student to contribute content which can reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

Word Count: 79387

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Social Science
Material Type:
Edited by Professor Bill Pelz
Ron Hammond and Paul Cheney
Date Added: