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Physics 120
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0.0 stars

Selections from University Physics Volume 1 & 3

Short Description:
The PHYSICS 120 textbook combines select chapters from University Physics volumes 1 and 3. The content from Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Content from Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.

Word Count: 262034

ISBN: 978-1-947172-20-3

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Jeff Sanny
Samuel J. Ling
William Moebs
Date Added:
Physics 130
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The PHYSICS 130 textbook combines select chapters from University Physics volumes 1 and 3 and links to the chapters on the OpenStax website. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.

Word Count: 237288

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Physical Science
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Date Added:
Physics 132: What is an Electron? What is Light?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students' understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of "light is an electromagnetic wave."

Long Description:
A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students’ understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of “light is an electromagnetic wave.”

Word Count: 97595

ISBN: 978-1-945764-07-3

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Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Date Added:
Physics 132: What is an Electron? What is Light?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students' understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of "light is an electromagnetic wave."

Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Brokk Toggerson
E.F. Redish
Edward J. Neth
Emily Hansen
John Eggebrecht
Julianne Zedalis
Klaus Theopold
Paul Flowers
Paul Peter Urone
Richard Langley
Roger Hinrichs
William R. Robinson
Date Added:
Physics, 21st Century - A Compilation of Contemporary and Emerging Technologies
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0.0 stars

The CK-12 21st Century Physics FlexBook is a collaborative effort of the Secretaries of Education and Technology and the Department of Education that seeks to elevate the quality of physics instruction across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Physical Science
Material Type:
CK-12 Foundation
Provider Set:
CK-12 FlexBook
Date Added:
Physics Across Oceanography: Fluid Mechanics and Waves
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This class reflects material and approaches that were developed over 25 years of teaching undergraduates in the School of Oceanography at UW. While fluid mechanics is traditionally an advanced subject, Oceanography and Marine Biology majors can benefit from a more basic treatment, ideally early in their degree, as foundational material for understanding interdisciplinary topics. That is the motivation for this book.

Word Count: 28167

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Susan Hautala
Date Added:
Physics II
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 249752

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Lumen Learning
Date Added:
Physics for Health II: Study Guide
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This study guide was developed to assist post-secondary students in learning Physics for Health II course. The course uses OpenStax College Physics free textbook. Students will use this guide to facilitate weekly learning, review and test their knowledge of key concepts introduced each week, and to examine health and biology related applications of the topics discussed in the course. Interactive activities and concepts maps will help reinforce the understanding of the concepts and to review the course concepts. Additionally, learners will have the opportunity to develop 21st century skills through resources and activities.

Word Count: 8653

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Physics for beginners with wiki-pages for ancillary supplements.
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0.0 stars

The need for an OER textbook on conceptual physics led to the discovery of a short book Matthew Raspanti posted on the internet back in 2008. He agreed to a CC-BY-NC-SA licence that permits the text to reside on Wikiversity as a pdf file. It is available as a single 162 page document, as well as 20 much shorter documents to facilitate online navigation.

Each of these 20 sections links out of a WIKI page that will permit the submission and sharing of ancillary materials under a CC-BY-SA license. These wiki-pages can be organized to host an arbitrary number of submissions by students, as well as by instructors.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Guy Vandegrift
Matthew Raspanti
Date Added:
Relativity for Poets
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0.0 stars

This is a set of lecture notes for my course Relativity for Poets at Fullerton College. It's a nonmathematical presentation of Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, including a brief treatment of cosmology.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Light and Matter
Provider Set:
Light and Matter Books
Benjamin Crowell, Fullerton College
Date Added:
Review of Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Review of Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism

Physical Science
Material Type:
James 'Dusty' Rittenbach
Date Added:
Simple Nature
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a calculus-based physics textbook meant for the type of freshman survey course taken by engineering and physical science majors, or for AP Physics C. It uses a nontraditional order of topics, with energy coming before force. For instructors who prefer the traditional sequence, there is a drop-in replacement for ch. 0-4, Mechanics, that covers force before energy. My text for the type of course usually taken by biology majors is Light and Matter.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Light and Matter
Provider Set:
Light and Matter Books
Benjamin Crowell, Fullerton College
Date Added:
Speaking and Writing Physics 101: Student Working Version
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This supplementary first-year physics textbook explores the role of language, alongside figures and mathematical symbols, in solving physics problems. The aim of this textbook is to help students gain extended, practical awareness of the roles of language in solutions to a range of first-year physics problems. The learning is guided mainly by comparing how language is used in formal, written solutions and in students' problem-solving dialogues. With new awareness how and why language is used in these two central forms of university physics practice, students can more effectively communicate solutions and guide their development as physicists and users of scientific English. After introducing problem-solving strategies and foundational aspects of language, the textbook guides students in the three primary functions of language in solutions: to represent concepts and phenomena, organize messages to facilitate their interpretation, and evaluate knowledge claims. Learning is largely task-based, emerging from completing the textbook tasks and reviewing feedback. The textbook is recommended for use alongside first-year physics instruction in self-guided study or instructor-facilitated contexts such as physics tutorials and English for physics courses.

Long Description:
This textbook combines the perspectives of physics and language to help you solve first-year physics problems and communicate your problem-solving choices more consciously and effectively. From the view of physics, the units present physics problems linked to the set of physics concepts typically taught in first year, focusing on how students with various physics competencies solve problems in dialogue and report their solutions in writing. By exploring the various competencies involved in solving physics problems and illustrating these competencies in solutions produced by students with different strengths and weaknesses, this textbook aims to help you understand and develop your own competencies.

A language perspective on learning first-year physics

The perspective of language complements the learning in physics because language systems are a key resource for thinking through and solving physics word problems. Language use in specialized activities such as solving physics problems tends to form identifiable patterns, implying that some language choices are more effective than others. Working through this textbook, you will observe the systems of language choices available for solving physics problems and develop capacities to use language more mindfully and effectively in your physics work.

Physics knowledge is produced, exchanged, and assessed in two main forms in first year courses, in speech and writing. In each textbook unit, a problem is introduced that requires application of one or more focal physics concepts, exploring spoken and written solutions to this problem to help you improve the effectiveness of solutions in both forms. Each unit also focuses on a specific function or sub-function of language, such as how concepts are represented or how solutions are organized, which is explored by comparing the spoken and written modes of communicating physics.

Across the 14 units, the textbook describes and explains the functional scope of the English language in shaping valued physics knowledge. For example, we explore the use of particular functional structures of English that physicists typically use when a problem requires us to re-interpret the concrete, physical world in terms of abstract concepts, such as when modelling a running person (concrete) as a point mass (concept).

The language perspective helps us answer questions such as these: What are the functions of language in solving physics problems? How does language help us to shift perspectives between a problem’s dynamic, physical situation and the stable, theoretical concepts involved? What are the roles of visual figures and mathematical symbolism relative to language in solving physics problems? What language choices are involved in effectively solving a physics problem in group dialogue and writing? Can we distinguish between reporting and explaining our solution? If so, how? What does it mean for a solution to be effectively communicated?

The knowledge and experiences you build in this course about the role of language in physics will help you to meet your expectations for solving physics problems and those of your peers and instructors. This aim is achieved in combination with the increased awareness and development of your competencies in solving physics problems. The guiding aim of this textbook is for you to apply the knowledge and experiences you gain towards your personal and professional development according to your interests in physics and science.

The organization of the textbook

The roles of language in solving physics problems are explored in increasing detail across the textbook units. Unit 1 provides the foundational perspectives on physics and language. The focus for learning is on strategies for solving word problems and the units and scales of language use in communicating the solutions.

Units 2 to 14 focus on physics concepts typically covered in first year, from motion along a straight line to fluid dynamics. Each unit introduces a problem developed to apply the unit’s focal concept and explores with you the solutions to these in spoken and written forms. A second problem is then introduced in the unit as an opportunity to apply, assess, and reflect on what you’ve learned.

Ways to use the textbook

The focus of this textbook is on improving your use of language, problem-solving strategies, and physics concepts in solving problems. As such, this book is not intended to replace a physics first-year textbook. Rather, this textbook is designed to be used in combination with a standard first-year physics textbook or course, where the methods and concepts are covered in detail.

This textbook is designed for first-year Science or Applied Science programs, where it would be used in (1) the tutorial section of the physics course focusing on problem-solving competencies and communicating solutions or in (2) a linked content-and-language syllabus such as an English for First-Year Physics course. This textbook will also find good use in (3) advanced placement high-school science programs, (4) pre-sessional university preparation programs, and (5) refresher courses for first-year physics. The book was designed especially for multilingual students of physics; however, it is expected to interest any physics enthusiasts with an interest in explicit understanding and extended practice of the language of physics.

The course is designed to be used in self-guided learning, peer study groups, or instructor-led classes. Whatever approach you take, learning through this textbook happens through your active engagement with the tasks. The task-based design involves a cycle of pre-task preparation, task activity, and post-task checking of responses and reflection. The post-task checking of your responses is crucial as this is typically where the effectiveness of your task performance is explained, that is, where the teaching emerges in dialogue with your input.

This course also includes optional features for deeper engagement and community-building around the language of solving physics problems. Chief among these features is the sharing of physics problems and solutions produced by you, the textbook users. As a user of the online textbook, you are invited to submit your solutions to the collection and compare these in terms of language features against our analyses of how language is used across all submissions. Users are also encouraged to design and share unique problems that reflect their particular interests and curiosities within and beyond physics. As the collection grows, so will the analyses, opportunities for engagement, and the learning community.

Word Count: 6443

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Arts and Humanities
Higher Education
Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Special Relativity
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The Special Theory of Relativity is a theory of classical physics that was developed at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. It changed our understanding of older physical theories such as Newtonian Physics and led to early Quantum Theory and later the Theory of General Relativity. Special Relativity is one of the foundation blocks of physics.

This book will introduce the reader to, perhaps, the most profound discovery of the twentieth century and the modern world: the universe has at least four dimensions.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Special Relativity
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This a textbook on special relativity, aimed at undergraduates who have already completed a freshman survey course. The treatment of electromagnetism assumes previous exposure to Maxwell's equations in integral form, but no knowledge of vector calculus.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Light and Matter
Provider Set:
Light and Matter Books
Benjamin Crowell, Fullerton College
Date Added:
Stay-at-home Labs for Introductory Physics Courses
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 17851

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 30321

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Date Added:
Unified Approach to Electricity and Magnetism
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Calculus-Based Physics II: Unified Approach

Long Description:
I’ve taught PHY2049 at UNF since 2014 (on 12 different semesters). I moved from using an expensive textbook to an OER textbook (OpenStax) around 2016-2017. The main focus of this class is on concepts related to electricity and magnetism, which by the end of the 19th century was unified as two aspects of the same phenomenon. All available textbooks for this class (there’s many out there) including the available open source texts, treat these concepts as a set of independent topics – giving very little (if any) insight to the now well-understood unified theory of electromagnetism. During the Pandemic I began to reformulate this class with an emphasis on the unified nature of electromagnetism with the intention to provide the students a strong intuitive grasp of the subject. Without any available textbooks at the appropriate level that supports this “Unified Approach” to electricity and magnetism, I severed ties with all textbooks and started to build a content library of video lectures. These video lectures served as a “video textbook” and I started implementing this in Summer of 2020. These content videos provided the backbone for this “Unified Approach to PHY2049” that was offered in the Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 semesters as well as the current Fall 2021 semester. These offerings have been completely free to the students (without any textbook and other costs). Moreover, the data gathered from the Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 offerings of this “Unified Approach” to PHY2049 (based on a nationally implemented testing tool) shows a distinct normalized gain in the learning outcomes compared to that of the traditional approach commonly used for this course (and followed by all available textbooks).

Word Count: 17990

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Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added: