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  • Textbook
  • journalism
The American Journalism Handbook: Concepts, Issues, and Skills - 1st Ed
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0.0 stars

This book is designed to help us understand the many changes to U.S. journalism and imagine new futures for it – futures in which it can serve as an even more useful tool for promoting a well-functioning society. But, before we can imagine new futures, we must take a step back and examine the institution of U.S. journalism through a critical and in-depth lens. This book aims to offer just that. It provides a conceptual foundation for understanding the development, logic, and practice of journalism in the United States; describes some of the key challenges, tensions, and opportunities it has faced, is facing, and will likely face; and offers guidance to help individuals develop the skills needed engage in impactful journalism.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Rodrigo Zamith
Date Added:
The Data Journalism Handbook
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0.0 stars

When you combine the sheer scale and range of digital information now available with a journalist’s "nose for news" and her ability to tell a compelling story, a new world of possibility opens up. With The Data Journalism Handbook, you’ll explore the potential, limits, and applied uses of this new and fascinating field.

This valuable handbook has attracted scores of contributors since the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched the project at MozFest 2011. Through a collection of tips and techniques from leading journalists, professors, software developers, and data analysts, you’ll learn how data can be either the source of data journalism or a tool with which the story is told—or both.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Bath
Jonathan Gray
Liliana Bounegru
Lucy Chambers
Date Added:
How to be a journalist in the 21st century.pdf
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0.0 stars

This textbook is an introduction to journalism, in the African and South African context, written for digital natives. The textbook is unique in the sense that students and the lecturer wrote it together, it is therefore a resource that focuses on learning through the eyes of students in Africa and the things they would like to learn to become journalists. The writers are Andre Gouws, lecturer in journalism at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, and his first-year and second-year students from 2021.

The purpose of this open textbook is to provide a general introduction to journalism in the 21st century to both journalism students and anyone who, perhaps unknowingly, create their own types of journalism. These new types of journalists include bloggers, entrepreneurial journalists, social media users, newsletter writers, and YouTube and TikTok creators, among others. In the digital era, journalism skills are valuable skills to anyone who creates or distributes news or information. Journalism skills include an understanding of news, the context of the media, legal and ethical issues around creating and distributing all types of content, and practical skills. This textbook contains ideas to help prospective independent journalists with journalistic entrepreneurship. Scholars agree that journalism can be defined very broadly today. It is no longer something that only trained journalists do. Knowing and understanding journalism will help everyone to tell better stories; to perhaps earn an independent income; and, importantly, to do it an ethical and compassionate way.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Material Type:
NWU students
Andre Gouws
Date Added:
The International Journalism Handbook - 1st Ed.
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0.0 stars

International journalism is crucial to our understanding of the world beyond our own borders. This book is designed to explain key theories and concepts that allow us to understand the general practice of journalism around the world, and to illustrate some of the challenges that arise from practicing journalism in those contexts. It begins by providing a theoretical foundation that helps us understand why international journalism matters and the key forces that shape what it looks like; highlights some of the key challenges to bearing witness to developments, sourcing information, and simply doing 'the job' of journalism; and describes important similarities and differences in how journalism is imagined and performed in different regions of the world.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Rodrigo Zamith
Date Added:
Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time
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0.0 stars

Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time is the first free, open source text for advertising and marketing classes. A new alternative to introductory texts that can cost into three figures and provide information that is extraneous or outdated, Launch! offers a basic text at no cost to students. Instead, we generate revenue through individually priced materials such as discretionary hard copies of the text (for those of you who still like to mark up your book the old-fashioned way), study guides, podcasts and streaming interviews (à la iTunes), user-generated content, advertising sales, and corporate sponsorship. There’s something else that’s really unique and cool about Launch! Welcome to the first advertising textbook written in partnership with a real-life advertising agency. It’s fine to talk about ad campaigns from the past, but we’d rather hear about one from the horse’s mouth—while it’s still happening. We’re going to teach you about the ad biz the way you’ll learn it if you choose to make it your career (and we hope you do). None of that shiny, happy, “talking heads” stuff; we’re going to take the gloves off and show you how a campaign works (and sometimes doesn’t) from the vantage point of the people who have to do it every day. Prepare to Launch!

Business and Communication
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The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Amit Nizan
Lisa Cornell
Michael Solomon
Date Added:
Media, Society, Culture and You
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Media, Society, Culture, and You is an approachable introductory Mass Communication text that covers major mass communication terms and concepts including "digital culture." It discusses various media platforms and how they are evolving as Information and Communication Technologies change.

This book has been peer-reviewed by 6 subject experts and is now available for adoption or adaptation. If you plan to adopt or adapt this open textbook, please let us know by filling out our adoption form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIj_Te3hiuJL7cKaofhhUHuDz3_hlVXg6Wg1IPcDZoH2pRrg/viewform?usp=sf_link).

You can view the book's Review Statement (https://press.rebus.community/mscy/back-matter/review-statement/) for more information about reviewers and the review process. An Accessibility Assessment (https://press.rebus.community/mscy/back-matter/accessibility-assessment/) for this is book has also been prepared to see how this book meets accessibility standards.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Mark Poepsel
Date Added:
Media Studies 101
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Media Studies 101 is the open educational resource for media studies studies in New Zealand, Australia, and Pacifica. We have constructed this text so it can be read in a number of ways. You may wish to follow the structured order of 'chapters' like you would in a traditional printed textbook. Each section builds on and refers back to previous sections to build up your knowledge and skills. Alternatively, you may want to go straight to the section you are interested in -- links will help guide you back to definitions and key ideas if you need to refresh your knowledge or understand a new concept.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Bernard Madill
Brett Nicholls
Colette Snowden
Erika Pearson
Hannah Mettner
Hazel Phillips
Jane Ross
Khin-Wee Chen
Martina Wengenmeir
Massimiliana Urbana
Maud Ceuterick
Sarah Gallagher
Shah Nister J. Kabir
Sy Taffel
Thelma Fisher
Date Added:
Writing Commons
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Writing Commons aspires to be a community for writers, a creative learning space for students in courses that require college-level writing, a creative, interactive space for teachers to share resources and pedagogy. Our primary goal is to provide the resources and community students need to improve their writing, particularly students enrolled in courses that require college-level writing. As mentioned in 'About Us', we believe learning materials should be free for all students and teachers‰ part of the cultural commons. Hence, we provide free access to an award-winning, college textbook that was published by a major publisher and awarded the Distinguished Book Award by Computers and Composition: an International Journal.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Writing Commons
Date Added: