Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, and Population Growth

Lesson Focus and Instructional Purpose

Cross Disciplinary Themes Addressed

Sustainability, Growth, and Social Responsibility in relationship to the common good.

Unifying Essential Question(s)

What are the implications of social responsibility that exist as a result of pursuing the common good?

Subject Area Question(s)

Subject Supporting Questions
Mathematics What measurements are used to determine exponential growth?
Science How do you determine sustainability as population changes?
English/Language Arts How do you delineate the development of an idea throughout a text?

Collaborative Learning Objective(s)

In Mathematics the students will be able to meet the following learning objectives across disciplines related to MP.1-MP.8 (not in this lesson):
*Students will be able to suggests ways in which population growth, and relevant data, could be collected and analyzed as a result of westward expansion in the United States.
*Students will be able to identify, display, and interpret relevant statistics derived from at least one primary source.
*Students will be able to explain the process by which they measured, compared, and determined the growth of population in the United States.

In English/Language Arts students will be able to meet the following learning objectives specifically as they relate to social responsibility and pursuing the common good within the parameters of the stated standards:
RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2, RI.9-10.4
*Students will be able to define "social responsibility" and "common good".
* Students will be able to explain the implications of "On Manifest Destiny" on westward expansion in the United States.
* Students will be able to explain the implications of "The Homestead Act of 1862 on westward expansion in the United States.
*Students will be able to draw comparisons between "On Manifest Destiny" and "The Homestead Act of 1862".
*Students will be able to write an objective summary of "On Manifest Destiny" paying close attention to the words or phrases that have implications on social responsibility.

In Science
*Students will be able to explain the process by which they measured, compared, and determined the growth of population in the United States.
*Student s will be able to analyze statistical data of westward expansion in order to formulate hypotheses.
*Students will be able to identify possible pros and cons associated with population dynamics.

Subject Area Learning Objectives

Subject Learning Objective
Mathematics Students will be able to suggests ways in which population growth, and relevant data, could be collected and analyzed as a result of westward expansion in the United States.
Mathematics Students will be able to identify, display, and interpret relevant statistics derived from at least one primary source.
Mathematics Students will be able to explain the process by which they measured, compared, and determined the growth of population in the United States.
ELA Students will be able to define "social responsibility" and "common good."
ELA Students will be able to explain the implications of "On Manifest Destiny" on westward expansion in the United States.
ELA Students will be able to explain the implications of "American Progress" on westward expansion in the United States.
ELA Students will be able to draw comparisons between "On Manifest Destiny" and "American Progress".
ELA Students will be able to write an objective summary of "On Manifest Destiny" paying close attention to the words or phrases that have implications on social responsibility.
Science Student s will be able to analyze statistical data of westward expansion in order to formulate hypotheses.

Standards Addressed

 Mathematics  ELA/Literacy  Science
 CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.IF.B.4  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.  HS-ESS3-1.
 MATH.CONTENT.HSF.LE.B.5  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper).  HS-ESS3-6.

Close Reading Text Set

Anchor Text

"On Manifest Destiny" Final Paragraph Only

Supporting Texts

Subject Title of Supporting Text URL of Supporting Text
Mathematics Graph Of Percentage Of Population In Each Region
ELA American Progress
ELA The Homestead Act of 1862
Science Impact of Homestead Act

Organized Text Set

Text Title Learning Objective
1. On Manifest Destiny Students will be able to explain the implications of "On Manifest Destiny" on westward expansion in the United States.
2. On Manifest Destiny Students will be able to write an objective summary of "On Manifest Destiny" paying close attention to the words or phrases that have implications on social responsibility.
3. American Progress Students will be able to explain the implications of "American Progress" on westward expansion in the United States.
4. Both Texts"On Manifest Destiny" Final Paragraph Only Students will be able to draw comparisons between "On Manifest Destiny" and "American Progress".
5. The Homestead Act of 1862 Students will be able to define "social responsibility" and "common good".
6. Science: The Homestead Act of 1862 Students will be able to compare and contrast the Homestead Act with Manifest Destiny.
7. Science: Graph Of Percentage Of Population In Each Region Students will be able to interpret and analyze graphs presented in order to determine the change in population in each of geographic area over time.
8. Science: Impact of Homestead Act Students will be able to analyze both pros and cons associated with population shifts due to westward expansion.
9. Science: The US Westward Expansion Figures 1-2, 6-7 Students will be able to analyze the graphical data explaining western land and population data between 1800 and 1900.
10. Science:"On Manifest Destiny" Final Paragraph Only Students will be able to hypothesize the effect of "On Manifest Destiny" on social responsibility of sustainable development.

Student Activities and Tasks

Text-Dependent Questions

Using the US Population graph by region:
1) How would you describe the changes in population for each region?
2) What do you think caused the changes in population during this time period?
3) Which graphs do you think could be modeled by linear regression? Why?
4) Which graphs do you think could be modeled by exponential regression? Why?

English/Language Arts
Beginning of Lesson
Q1) What does Social Responsibility and Common Good mean to you?

"On Manifest Destiny"
Q1) As you read what words or phrases do you noticed repeated throughout the text?
Q2) What words or phrases give you clues into the author’s attitude toward “the mission” throughout the text?
Q3) What are 3 reasons the author gives in the text for “the mission”?
Q4) At what point does the author give the most compelling argument for “the mission”? How do you know?
Q5) Explain in your own words the author’s expected outcome of goal of “the mission”?

"American Progress"
Q1) What images are present in the painting "American Progress"?
Q2) What points of conflict or contrast do you notice within the painting?
Q3) How does the artist of the painting show movement?
Q4) Based on the images and movement in the painting what are some of the possible implications of American progress?
Q5) Where do you see ideas from “On Manifest Destiny” in the painting “American Progress”?
Q6) What points of incongruence exist between the two texts? What does this incongruence suggest about American progress?

Vocabulary Self Assesment
Q1) What do you do when you encounter challenging words that are critical to your understanding of a text?
Q2) How were some students able to complete the "during" self-assessment with more confidence than others?
Q3) How might students have completed the self-assessment to allow more students to be successful?
Q4) How new understanding to gain about the words after rereading "On Manifest Destiny"?
Q5) What process helped you better understand the word from “before” to “after”?

End of Lesson
Q1) How did your work with multiple texts and vocabulary represent ideas of social responsibility in pursuing the common good?

Warm Up: Double Entry Journal
1.What was the Homestead Act?
2. Compare and Contrast the Homestead Act with Manifest Destiny
3. How did the Homestead Act impact american population growth?
4. What problems were associated with the negative impact of population growth as a result of westward expansion?

*How did the Homestead Act impact the distribution of population growth between 1850 and 1950.
* Construct a table showing the population distribution by region in 1850, 1900, 1950, and 1990.

a.What is % difference in forested acres in the west between 1860 and 1900.
b. If there were 1 million acres of forested land in 1860, how many were still in existence in 1900?
c. According to figure 6, what was the ratio of the western population vs. the total population in 1800? 1900?
d. In what year did the actual land improvement in the west surpass the modeled predictions of land improvement?
e. How did we justify westward expansion in the beginning?

1.Based on what you know about sustainable development practices, did America expand responsibly?
2. Do we have a social responsibility when pursuing the common good for our country?
3. What type of growth curve would best model westward expansion and why. Please explain
4. What limiting factors existed for settlers' in 1862? Would any exist today? Explain
5. Hypothesis if we as Americans should now take same ideals into outer space. Be sure to consider the cost/benefit and social responsibility before completing your answer.

Formative Assessment Strategies and Tasks

Teachers will observe students answers to the essential questions to ensure the students are relating the changes in the graphs to the environmental changes in society. Teachers will use this knowledge to make sure students are making the connections to other disciplines.

Students will write about the graphs and the regression equations. Explaining which would be the "best fit" and why. Teachers will use their writings to relate the history of the time period to the regression equations and ensure students are making the connections.

English/Language Arts
The series of questions, the discussion around the texts, and the written responses to the questions will allow the teacher to determine how students are making connections between "On Manifest Destiny" and "American Progress", and their relationship to the ideas of Social Responsibility and the Common Good. Students should also show increased understanding in their work with challenging vocabulary. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on their growth.

The students are asked to write an objective summary of the final paragraph of "On Manifest Destiny" using the Box and Bullet framework as a guide. Students will have addressed the implications of westward expansion through their work with the questions for "On Manifest Destiny" and "American Progress". In their summaries however, students will pay close attention to the direct connection between Social Responsibility and the Common Good and the language used in "On Manifest Destiny".

Students will respond to text and data in order to create hypotheses for the expansion of America/Earth by correlating the relationship between sustainable development, population dynamics, and the social responsibility associated with maintaining a common good. The series of questions, the discussion around the texts, and the written responses to the questions will allow the teacher to determine how students are making connections between "On Manifest Destiny," " The Homestead Act," and their relationship to the ideas of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
After students have addressed the implications of westward expansion through their work with the questions, video, and text they will engage in a silent debate in order to justify their hypothesis. After completion, students must compose a paper for final assessment.

Culminating Assessment

Based on the various primary sources related to westward expansion in the United States students will determine what layers of social responsibility exist as individuals and groups pursue the common good.

Students will select a specific region represented in the mathematical portion of the lesson to research layers of social responsibility and the possible implications that might exist. In math students will be asked to support or refute the claim that Manifest Destiny propaganda prompted exponential growth in the western territories of the United States beginning with the Homestead Act of 1862.

In English/Language Arts students will be able to determine where, if any, moral or ethical implications of Manifest Destiny exist based on their work with "On Manifest Destiny", "American Progress", and "The Homestead Act of 1862." Students should note contrast between expected/desired outcomes of Manifest Destiny and the actual implications of westward expansion.

In science students should explain, identify, and analyze the different factors effecting sustainable development within various geographical regions of the United States; paying close attention to the interactions between Humans and the Environment. Design a sustainable solution to solve the problems associated with Westward Expansion and sustainable development for the US.

Students will have a final formal assessment. The student will compose an essay hypothesizing possible solutions for the problems associated with westward expansion.

Design a sustainable solution to solve the problems associated with Westward Expansion and sustainable development for the US.
Include the following
Reference the population trends in each region and possible environmental effects.
Identify “the common good” as it existed during the time frame of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
Relate the concept of sustainability into your personal life
How were Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion influenced by social responsibility and sustainable development?


Background Knowledge and Prerequisite Skills

Pre-requisite Learning

*Westward Expansion
*Manifest Destiny
* United States 1850-1950
*Exponential Growth
*Rate of Change
*Interpretation of Visual Data
*Human-Environment Interactions
*Midwest, West Environmental Factors/Conditions

*Students should have basic background knowledge about geography, climate, environmental conditions associated with Western and Midwestern US.
*Students should be able to identify and define key terms: Sustainability, Exponential Growth J-curves, Logistic growth S-curves, limiting factors, habitat degradation.
*Students should be somewhat skilled in their ability to evaluate conditions for a risk benefit analysis.
* Students should be able to locate, interpret, and analyze graphical data.
*Students should have a basic understanding of Westward Expansion, Manifest Destiny, and the United States

Pre-assessment of Readiness for Learning

In Mathematics students will complete a review of linear and exponential functions to ensure they understand the difference characteristics of linear and exponential functions in table, graph or equation. The pre-assessment will reveal if students are able to identify an exponential and/or linear graph. It will also show if students can interpret whether a function is increasing or decreasing (growth or decay). The pre-assessment will give us insight into our students mastery of the linear and exponential functions, so we will know what objectives need to be retaught through warm-ups , exit tickets, or stations.

In English/Language Arts Students will complete a Vocabulary Self Assessment before-during-after reading. They will self-assess their current understand of words/phrases present in "On Manifest Destiny" (final paragraph) before reading. Then students will again assess their understanding while completing their close reading of "On Manifest Destiny". After initial work with "On Manifest Destiny" and words students will work with "American Progress" by John Gast assessing their understanding for the third and final time. Upon completion of the Vocabulary Self-Assessment students will be asked to explain the process of how they gained understanding of the words throughout the work of the lesson.

Students will complete a pre-assessment prior to beginning the unit so that I can assess their strengths and prior knowledge. Students will create a double entry journal on the day of the lesson prior to reading the background text. After reading the text students will have the opportunity to discuss with their table possible outcomes for the essential questions. Each table will have to share answers with the teacher before moving on. If students need more clarification we can take additional time for a classroom corner activity. If the majority of the students have gaps in their understanding re-teaching and regrouping should take place prior to moving forward. If students are ready for enrichment, we can have a silent debate at the conclusion of the lesson that requires students to back up their ideas and opinions with quantitative data as much as possible.

Organization of Instructional Activities

For students who are ELL or are reading below grade level, make sure students have read and understand the material. Consider discussing it as a class to help student comprehend the material.

All students will need a copy of the following:
1) Graph of the US Population by Region from 1790-1990 from
2) Every student will need a copy of the following resources:
1. On Manifest Destiny by John O'Sullivan

Instructional Sequence
1) Warm-up: Students do a quick write on everything they remember about exponential and linear functions. Including the graphs, tables and equations. Students will then work in a group of four to create a summary of their knowledge on exponential and linear functions. (15 minutes)

2) Discuss the summaries and clarify any misunderstanding of the material. Make sure students are understanding the differences in the graphs and how to relate them to a regression equation. (15 minutes)

3) Students will skim and the discuss the On Manifest Destiny by John O'Sullivan. Then students will review and discuss the Graph of US Population from 1790-1990.

4) In their groups students will address the following essential questions in a written summary:
1) How would you describe the changes in population
for each region?
2) What do you think caused the changes in population
during this time period?
Each group will present their findings to the class and then the class will analyzed the changes and possible causes of the changes.

5) Independently Students will address the following essential questions in a written summary:

3) Which graphs do you think could be modeled by linear regression? Why?

4) Which graphs do you think could be modeled by
exponential regression? Why?

The students will turn in their written summary on the graphs and the linear/exponential regressions as an exit ticket.

English/Language Arts
Prior to lesson consider directing students (specifically ELL students or students who read below grade band lexile) to research/discover information about Manifest Destiny and westward expansion listing possible topics for further exploration/research. Use

Every student will need a copy of the following resources:
1. On Manifest Destiny by John O'Sullivan
2. Key Vocabulary Self Assessment
3. Box and Bullet Frame for Objective Summary
Students will need to view "American Progress" by John Gast in color.

Prepare a Vocabulary Support List that includes the words and brief definitions. Copies of this list should be distributed during the work with "American Progress". Determine if you will give them to targeted students or at random.

Instructional Sequestion
1. What do Social Responsibility and Common Good mean to you? (5 minute pre-write with 3 minute Think-Pair-Share)

2. Vocabulary Self-Assessment - "Before" (5min)

3. 1st Reading of "On Manifest Destiny" with Text Dependent Questions. (20 minutes) *Note: Be sure to give students opportunities to annotate the text, respond to questions in writing, discuss with partners, and share whole class.

4. Reading of "American Progress" with Text Dependent Questions (10 minutes) *Note: The painting should be shown to all students. However, some students should be given (at random) vocabulary support with words and definitions. Students are not encouraged to share support cards with peers. This is important for the discussion of Social Responsibility and Common Good. Furthermore, some students (specifically ELL students or students who read below grade band lexile) might benefit from a small group, teacher-led discussion of the words; including, but not limited to visual representation, word parts, part of speech, etc.

5. Second (During) Vocabulary Self-Assessment (3 Minutes)

6. Second Reading of "On Manifest Destiny" with Text Dependent Questions that draw on comparisons between the two texts. (10 minutes)
Box and Bullet Frame (5 minutes)

7. After Reading Vocabulary Self-Assessment and Debrief: Discuss the following: During How were some students able to complete the task with more confidence than others? How could have students completed the task to allow for more students to complete the task with confidence? (5 minutes)
Complete final assessment and reflection (10 minutes)

8. Students complete objective summary (10 minutes)

Prior to lesson consider directing students (specifically ELL students or students who read below grade band lexile) to research/discover information about Manifest Destiny and westward expansion listing possible topics for further exploration/research. Use

Every student will need a copy of the following resources:
1. On Manifest Destiny by John O'Sullivan

2. Families Disperse and Children Move Away

3. Double Entry Journal

4.Silent Debate Script

Engage: 10 minutes
1. Students will receive the double entry journal and the Homestead Act of 1862 article. Students must complete column 1 prior to reading the article.
2. Students will continue the process of completing part 2 of the Double Entry Journal within cooperative learning groups.

Explain: 30 minutes
1. (8 minutes)
Next the teacher will lead students through the "Families Disperse as Children Move Away article as they annotate. Teacher will check for understanding both formally an informally.
*How did the Homestead Act impact the distribution of population growth between 1850 and 1950.
* Construct a table showing the population distribution by region in 1850, 1900, 1950, and 1990.

2. (4.5 minutes)
Students will watch the video "" prior to moving on to the next level. Teacher will ask re-focusing questions after the video.
3. 12 minutes
Students must read graphic and answers questions regarding data. Figures 3, 6, and 7.
a.What is % difference in forested acres in the west between 1860 and 1900.
b. If there were 1 million acres of forested land in 1860, how many were still in existence in 1900?
c. According to figure 6, what was the ratio of the western population vs. the total population in 1800? 1900?
d. In what year did the actual land improvement in the west surpass the modeled predictions of land improvement?
e. How did we justify westward expansion in the beginning?

Elaborate: 30 minutes
After being given a copy of the Manifest Destiny students must complete the following.

For the Silent Debate students must fill in a minimum of 2 key points, supporting quantitative data, and argumentative statements on the Silent Debate transcript. Students will then exchange papers with a peer from an opposing viewpoint in order to refute their opinions and statements. Students should reply with a minimum of 2 more ideas. Students are encouraged to utilize all available text to help justify their statements. Be sure to post a countdown timer so that students see the time remaining. 5 to 8 minutes for each round (3) are recommended according to level of students.

Rubric for final assessment:

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