The Egg-cellent Egg Launch

The Egg-cellent Egg Launch

Time Frame: 4 weeks

Overview of Activity
In this activity, students will learn about and apply the Laws of Physics to successfully launch and land a raw egg. The activity frames the problem around designing and building a bottle rocket that will protect a raw egg being launched into the air at least seven meters. Resources included in this lesson are found at the bottom of this document and include:
  • Teacher guide
  • Physics note sheets on motion, speed, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, friction, Newton’s Laws of Motion, potential and kinetic energy and gravity.
  • Egg Launch Instructions
  • Link to Bottle Rocket Launching Instructions
  • Links to videos
  • Post Assessment

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Big Idea(s)
Interactions between any two objects can cause changes in one or both of them.

PA Core Standards / Next Generation Science Standards
T & E EducationScience EducationMathematics EducationCEW

Essential Questions
  • UEQ: What causes an object to move?
  • LEQ: What are Newton’s 3 laws of motion?
  • LEQ: What is the difference between an unbalanced and balanced force?
  • LEQ: What is the difference between average and constant speed?
  • LEQ: What are the two fundamental forces that exist in the universe and how do they affect objects?
  • LEQ: How do different forces affect the motion of an object?
  • LEQ: How does friction oppose a force to affect motion?
  • LEQ: What is mechanical advantage and how does it affect motion?
  • LEQ: How do simple machines affect the motion of an object?  

Students Will KnowStudents Will Be Doing
  • Content specific vocab
  • Science
  • Universal Law of Gravitation
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion 1 - 3
  • acceleration
  • deceleration
  • gravity
  • inertia
  • momentum
  • Newton
  • reference point/frame of reference
  • speed
  • velocity
  • air resistance
  • balanced forces
  • centrifugal force
  • centripetal force
  • fluid friction
  • force
  • friction
  • gravity
  • net force
  • rolling friction
  • sliding friction
  • static friction
  • unbalanced forces
  • Utilize and apply science vocabulary.
  • Explain how unbalanced forces cause motion.
  • Differentiate between Newton’s three laws of  motion.
  • Apply Newton’s three laws of motion to real  life situations.
  • Explain and calculate speed, velocity, acceleration, momentum and force.
  • Identify and apply the units involved with all calculations of motion and force.
  • Identify the different types of force (friction, push, pull, gravity) and how they affect the motion of an object.

Stage 2 - Evidence of Understanding

Assessments (Formative and Summative):Performance Task(s)
  • Informal Formative Assessments
  • Observations, Calculations
  • Formal assessments on:
  • Motion and Speed Lab, Acceleration Lab, Momentum Lab, Friction Lab
  • Summative Assessments
  • Final Unit Test
  • Rocket built by each individual student
  • Launch and protect  a raw egg in a bottle rocket.

Stage 3 - Lesson Learning Targets

Learning Activities: Learning targets are written from the students perspective. I can…These should lead up to answering the Essential Question(s).
  • Identify and apply the units involved with all calculations of motion and force.
  • Identify the different types of force (friction, push, pull, gravity) and how they affect the motion of an object.
  • Design a contraption to protect an egg in the bottom of a 20 oz bottle that is being launched in the air a minimum of 7m.
  • Describe how Newton’s Laws of Motion are being applied throughout the egg launch.
  • Solve equations for speed, velocity, acceleration, momentum and force




Download: MotionQuizSTEM.doc

Download: Physics_Final_STEM.doc

Download: Physics_Flipbook_Blank_Stem_Toolkit.xlsx

Download: Physics_Flipbook_Filled_In_for_STEM_Toolkit.xlsx

Download: Physics_Flipbook_Instructions_for_STEM_Toolkit.docx

Download: Egg_Launch_-_Instructions.docx

Download: soda-bottle-rocket_instructions.pdf

Download: VEHICLE_Acceleration_Lab_STEM_Toolkit.doc

Teaching Strategies


StartSOLE is a simple inquiry-based approach that can be implemented in a single class period with minimal constraints and serves as an excellent addition or supplement to this lesson.  If you'd like to use one of these suggested questions to encourage students to dig deeper or help prepare them for this activity click on a link below to setup your StartSOLE lesson:

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