Air: Design a Parachute for a Lego Person

Big Ideas: We can create a parachute to maximize the air resistance so the skydiver has a safer landing.

Essential Questions: Essential Questions: How can I maximize the air resistance of a parachute?

Students Will Know

Content Specific Vocabulary

  • Air Resistance :force that air pushes against a moving object.
  • Parachute: a piece of equipment usually made of cloth that is fastened to people or things and that allows them to fall slowly and land safely after they have jumped or been dropped from an aircraft
  • Gravity: Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects. It is what makes things fall and what keeps us from floating off into space.
  • Steps in Engineering Design Process

Students Will Be Doing

  • Student will explore the importance of a Parachute.
  • Students will brainstorm ideas of supplies to improve a parachute
  • Students plan and design a parachute for a Lego Person. 
  • Students test out their designs.
  •  Students redesign their parachute.
  • Students will document process in Engineering Design Worksheet

Evidence of Understanding Formative and Summative:

Informal Formative Assessment: Teacher Observations throughout  the lessons

Formative Assessment: Engineering Design Worksheet, Vocabulary Worksheet 

Lesson Learning Targets

I Can....

  • Identify steps in the Engineering Design Process
  • List/Tell the definition of  Air Resistance, Gravity and Parachute
  • Solve ways to maximize the air resistance of a parachute

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