Speak Up! It is your life! REMIX

Introductory Speech

Why do we speak?

The general purpose of any speech is to inform, entertain, persuade or honor

a possible set up of speech delivery
speech. jpg possible set up of speech delivery

a possible set up of speech delivery

When a person defines, describes, explain and instruct it is called
informative speech

To find a specific purpose, one has to focus on the measurable behavior change

Pick a verb to describe specifically how the audience will change to identify the special purpose.



The structure

Key ideas are the basis are the basic blocks of a thesis.

The thesis is giving an idea about the specific purpose of the speech in one sentence.

Outlines help stay on the topic, in an organized fashion so supporting materials and ideas can reach the audience.

Outlines include the introduction, body, and conclusion of the speech.

The introduction has the attention-getting title, the benefit of the audience, credibility and thesis statement.

The  body has three to five main points about the topic

The conclusion has a summary of the speech and memorable ending


The introduction, body, and conclusion

The Introduction helps capture the audience’s attention

Relate the audience  to the speaker

Helps the speaker to build credibility

Introduce  the topic and gives the preview of the topic

The body of speech has the main points

The  main points may be arranged in chronical order, topical order, comparative,
motivational, a solution to a problem or casual

The conclusion is a way of repeating the introduction

The conclusion is a summary of the speech.

A statement that connects to the audience is  a great way to end the conclusion


Download: Sample informative speech outline


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