Creating a table using Microsoft Word

Lesson Topic: Creating a table using Microsoft Word

Lesson Description: Tables are a great way to organize information, in an easy to read manner.  Table usually contain several rows and columns.  You are going to create a table with your favorite movies, music, food and hobbies.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: Change Page Orientation

Insert a table
Add Column Headings
Insert a column
Type information into a table
Insert a Row
Merge Cells
Insert Word Art
Insert Online Pictures
Insert page numbers

Nebraska Standards: CIS.HS.4a.2 Use document processing applications to prepare business communications.

Teacher Planning:

Equipment/Materials/Software Needed: Computer with Microsoft Word

Time Required for Lesson: 45 minutes

Diagram/Setup: NA

Technology Use:

Software: Microsoft Word

Hardware: Computer

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity: Introduction to Microsoft Word Screen Parts

Benefits/Explanation/Real-World Connection:

Activities (i.e. instructions, warm-up, lesson, cool-down): NA

Closure: NA

Assessment : Formative


Supplemental Information:

Modifications: NA

Safety Precautions: NA

Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.) NA


Download: Favorites_Table_Practice_Directions_MvXbuKm.pdf

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