Digital Age Skill: How To: Presentation

How to Presentation

Description of the Lesson


Students will write a How to Presentation on a topic of choice using Google Slides. 

ISTE Standard

6c Students create digital artifacts to communicate ideas visually and graphically.

NE Standard

LA 4.2.2.a Communicate information and ideas effectively in analytic, descriptive, informative, narrative, poetic, persuasive, and reflective modes to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats

Rubric Used for Assessment

Example Student Artifact(s)


Lesson Design Reflection

Step by Step Procedures:

Add as many instructional steps as you need to accomplish your lesson goals. Use the reflection questions to help you think with purpose about the activity or tool selected for each step of the Lesson Plan, keeping in mind how it helps achieve learning goals and objectives.

HOOK/ATTENTION GETTER: Instructor captures student interest and connects with prior knowledge and experience.

  • Does it grab students' attention and capture their interest?

  • Does it make a connection with prior knowledge?

  • Does it motivate students to want to learn more?

Describe your teaching methods, strategies, and activities here. You may optionally provide separate instructions for your students on how to use these tools.:

Teacher Instructions: Day 1: Students will first write a How To Paragraph on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no teacher guidance. Once all students are finished, teacher will read through the paragraphs and decided which two are the least detailed. Day 2: Teacher will read through the anonymous paragraphs that were chosen yesterday and model with actual food items and supplies needed to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (verify no students have allergies). Teacher will  make the silly mistakes to show the importance of writing detailed instruction in a how to paragraph. (for example: placing whole jar of peanut butter on top of a slice of bread or using hand to spread jelly on the slice of bread)

Student Instructions: 

Choose the digital tool or non tech activity for this step: Students will write their How to Paragraphs on Google Docs and submit it through Google Classroom. 

DIRECT INSTRUCTION: Instructor shares knowledge, concepts, theories, and vocabulary with students.

  • Are new concepts introduced and/or presented in a novel way?

  • Are concepts and processes clearly outlined and modeled?

  • Does it provide concrete examples of the desired outcome(s)?

Describe your teaching methods, strategies, and activities here. You may optionally provide separate instructions for your students on how to use these tools.:

Teacher Instructions: Days 3 Teacher will model of How to Presentation on how to play the clarinet using Google Slides. 

Explain to students they will create their own How to Presentation on Google Slides. Students can select their own topic for their presentation. Brainstorm ideas with students. Discuss the importance of being very detailed and thorough in writing their instructions. 

  • Must include title page.

  • Second slide must include a paragraph grabbing the audience’s attention with at least three sentences. Students can use model from book on p. 362.

  • Must include at least four steps. Middle Slides may include bulleted steps and does not have to be written word for word in paragraphs since students will be presenting in speech form.

  • Last slide includes conclusion paragraph with at least three sentences. Students can use model from book on p. 364.

  • Students must add pictures to their slides for visual aids.

  • Slides must look neat and organized. Titles are bold and large. 

  • Student will bring or make a prop to go along with their presentation.

Student Instructions:

Choose the digital tool or non tech activity for this step: Google Slides

GUIDED PRACTICE: Students work collaboratively to apply and work with knowledge, concepts, and theories.

  • Does it provide multiple opportunities to practice, with scaffolding from easy to more difficult?

  • Does it check for understanding?

  • Is there an opportunity for students to question and get clarification?

Describe your teaching methods, strategies, and activities here. You may optionally provide separate instructions for your students on how to use these tools.:

Teacher Instructions: Days 4-6 Teacher will assist students while they are working on their presentations using above guidelines.

Student Instructions:

Choose the digital tool or non tech activity for this step:

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Students complete work independently to demonstrate their mastery.

  • Does it give ample opportunities for individualized practice?

  • Can students display mastery?

  • Does it provide a form of assessment, such as diagnostic, formative, summative, authentic, or performative?

Describe your teaching methods, strategies, and activities here. You may optionally provide separate instructions for your students on how to use these tools.:

Teacher Instructions:  Days 4-6 Students they will create their own How to Presentation on Google Slides. Students can select their own topic for their presentation. Brainstorm ideas with students. Discuss the importance of being very detailed and thorough in writing their instructions. 

Must include title page.
Second slide must include a paragraph grabbing the audience’s attention with at least three sentences. Students can use model from book on p. 362.
Must include at least four steps. Middle Slides may include bulleted steps and does not have to be written word for word in paragraphs since students will be presenting in speech form.
Last slide includes conclusion paragraph with at least three sentences. Students can use model from book on p. 364.
Students must add pictures to their slides for visual aids.
Slides must look neat and organized. Titles are bold and large. 
Student will bring or make a prop to go along with their presentation.

Student Instructions: Students will post completed Slides’ link on Class Dojo to share with their parents. 

Choose the digital tools or nontech activity for this step (Remember to offer choices!):

WRAP-UP/Assessment: Sum up the lesson and Assess Students. Provide opportunities to further student learning.
Can you use the digital tool or activity to cement lesson objectives while furthering student learning? 
Does it provide differentiated learning, extension activities, homework, or project-based learning?
Describe your teaching methods, strategies, and activities here. You may optionally provide separate instructions for your students on how to use these tools.:

Teacher Instructions: Days 7-8  Students will present their How to Speech to the class individually. Students will connect their Chromebook to Teacher’s Computer using Mirror 360 and be responsible for clicking through the slides at appropriate times. Students will be assessed on the following checklist.

Do I have good posture and look relaxed?
Do I look at my audience as I speak?
Can my voice be heard at the back of the room?
Do I sound interested in my topic?
Am I speaking slowly and clearly?
Are my visual aids large and easy to understand?
Do I point to information on my visual aids?

Student Instructions:

Choose the digital tool or non tech activity for this step: Chromebook, Google Slides, Mirror 360, Prop

Student Example Link

The structure of this lesson plan is taken from:  You may want to visit the site and get an idea of a well written lesson plan.  If you choose to be Common Sense Certified Educator, you may register and submit your lesson plans online.

Personal Reflection


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