BlendED Best Practices-Elementary Multiplication

3rd Grade: Multiplication Mania

Title and Description:

This unit is titled: Aimee Parde Co-Author-Original Unit Provider

Multiplication Mania

The description of the purpose of the unit is:

In this unit, students will practice and apply several different ways to represent basic multiplication facts.

Content Area Skill:

Add Skill(s)

Skill #1-Math-Multiplication

Digital Age Skill(s):

Add Skill(s)

Skill #1-Knowledge Constructor

Duration of Unit:

One Week

Overview of Unit:

In this unit, students will practice and apply several different ways to represent basic multiplication facts.

Empower Learners:

Content Area Skills (NE and ISTE Standards):

MA.3.1.2.c Represent Multiplication

3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D-Knowledge Constructor

Student Friendly Objectives:

I can show how to multiply using arrays.

I can show how to multiply using repeated addition.

I can show how to multiply with equal groups.  

I can show how to multiply using a number line and skip counting.

I can make creative resources using many different tools.

Content Area Skills: For Standards, please include # and description (add or delete rows as needed)

Student Friendly Learning Objectives:

MA.3.1.2.c Represent Multiplication

Using drawings, words, arrays, symbols, repeated addition, equal groups, and number lines to explain the meaning of multiplication.

I can show how to multiply using arrays.

I can show how to multiply using repeated addition.

I can show how to multiply with equal groups.  

I can show how to multiply using a number line and skip counting.

Empower Learner Activity:

Detailed Description:

Students will self-assess, come up with a goal, and decide on an action plan to see these goals get complete.

Download: Empowered_Learner_3rd_Grade_Math_2.pdf

Knowledge Application:

The purpose of the knowledge application is for students to have a way to show what they know.

Artifact Profile:

Title of the Artifact:

Representing Multiplication

Using drawings, words, arrays, symbols, repeated addition, equal groups, and number lines to explain the meaning of multiplication.

Detailed Description:

Using drawings, words, arrays, symbols, repeated addition, equal groups, and number lines to explain the meaning of multiplication. This may be completed in Google Slides, Screencastify, Adobe Spark, or with another creation tool.

Content Area Skills Addressed:

Understanding of Multiplication

Digital Age Skills

Knowledge Constructor

Link to Rubric

Download: Representing_Multiplication_Resources.pdf

Knowledge Deepening:

Detailed Description:

Using the choice board, students will work through three different types of activities to practice representing multiplication facts as arrays.

Task 1- Arrays

Using the choice board, students will work through three different types of activities to practice representing multiplication facts as arrays.

Must Do’s:

One of each color during that color rotation.  

See Choice Board.

May Do’s:

Yellow Choices


Choice Board

Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication.pdf

Task 2-Repeated Addition

Using the choice board, students will work through three different types of activities to practice representing multiplication facts as repeated addition.

Must Do’s:

One of each color during that color rotation.  

See Choice Board.

May Do’s:

Green Choices


Choice Board

Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication_.pdf

Task 3-Equal Groups

Using the choice board, students will work through three different types of activities to practice representing multiplication facts as equal groups.

Must Do’s:

One of each color during that color rotation.  

See Choice Board.

May Do’s:

Red Choices


Choice Board

Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication.pdf

Task 4-Number Lines

Using the choice board, students will work through three different types of activities to practice representing multiplication facts using a number line.

Must Do’s:

One of each color during that color rotation.  

See Choice Board.

May Do’s:

Blue Choices


Choice Board

Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication.pdf

Direct Instruction:

Detailed Description

Students will have a teacher taught lesson at the beginning and will later be going into there choice board groups.

Learning Path:

Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication.pdf

Learning Path

Day #


BlendEd Model



Multiplication as Arrays

Whole Group

Small Group

Choice Board


Graph Paper

Foam Shapes


Multiplication as Repeated Addition

Whole Group

Small Group

Choice Board


Graph Paper

Foam Shapes


Multiplication as Equal Groups

Whole Group

Small Group

Choice Board


Graph Paper

Foam Shapes


Multiplication on a Number Line

Whole Group

Small Group

Choice Board


Graph Paper


Demonstrate what you know

Whole Group

Small Group Share Out Groups




Download: Math_Choice_Boards_Representing_Multiplication.pdf

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