French Level 2, Activity 02: Le temps libre / Free Time (Face-to-Face)

Did you know that you can access the complete collection of Pathways Project French activities in our new Let’s Chat! French pressbook? View the book here: 

Please Note: Many of our activities were created by upper-division students at Boise State University and serve as a foundation that our community of practice can build upon and refine. While they are polished, we welcome and encourage collaboration from language instructors to help modify grammar, syntax, and content where needed. Kindly contact with any suggestions and we will update the content in a timely manner. 

Free Time / Le temps libre


In this activity, students will work together to discuss their travel preferences. This includes a Heads-Up game with travel-related vocabulary, a quiz to take together, and discussion questions. Students will learn how to discuss travel and explain their preferences. Students will also be able to discuss what type of traveler they are and why they are that type of traveler.

Semantic Topics

Heads-Up, travel, quiz, traveler, whiteboard, pastime, hobby, les voyages, voyageur, voyageuse, the structure of a question and a response, la structure d'une question et une réponse


Vacations, travels


Many French citizens go on vacation during the month of August, usually for an extended period of time. (Lots of the time, the whole month!) The most common destination? Another region in France.


France places a high value upon their vacances as a way to recharge after hard work and spend time with their families.

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations or correspondence in French to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret spoken and written French on a variety of topics.

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures of the francophone world.

Idaho State Content Standards

COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. 

COMM 2.1: Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

CLTR 1.1: Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture.

CLTR 1.2: Explain the relationship between cultural practices/behaviors and the perspectives that represent the target culture’s view of the world.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can talk about my interests and hobbies. 
  • I can understand written instructions about familiar topics. 
  • I can talk about activities I did in the recent past.

Materials Needed

Would you like to make changes to the materials? Access the template(s) below:


1. Begin by introducing the Can-Dos for today’s activity and distributing the Heads-Up cards to each student.

Aujourd'hui, nous allons jouer au Heads Up ! J'ai mis quelques cartes à la table de chaque groupe, face contre terre. (Today, we are going to play Heads Up! I have put some cards on the table of each group, facing down.)

2. One student will pick a card out of the deck for each group and, without looking, will place the card facing out on their forehead so that it's visible to their classmates.

Un étudiant va tirer une carte du paquet sans le regarder. L'étudiant met la carte au front (point to forehead) pour que le reste du groupe puisse la voir.

3. The rest of the group now takes turns giving hints in French to the student with the card. They're not allowed to use English or to say the word itself.

Maintenant, les autres étudiants dans le groupe donnent des indices à tour de rôle. On ne peut pas utiliser l'anglais, ni dire le mot écrit à la carte !

4. The game continues once a student guesses the word correctly, and the next person draws a card. 

Le jeu continue quand l'étudiant avec la carte devine correctement le mot et la prochaine personne tire une nouvelle carte.

Main Activity

1. Now the students will be taking a quiz together to determine what kind of traveler they are.

Maintenant, vous allez faire un petit devoir pour déterminer "quel type de voyageur ou voyageuse que vous êtes".

2. Go through the question slides and have students record the answers of their partners on their whiteboards.

Je vais vous montrer sept questions. Écrivez les réponses de votre partenaire sur votre ardoise blanche. 

3. Use this model for an example:

Par exemple, je lis question numéro 1 : "quelle est la première chose que vous faites en arrivant à votre destination ?" Votre partenaire va choisir sa réponse et vous dire le choix. Il ou elle peut dire: "la réponse A est ce que je fais le plus." Après noter sa réponse, vous dites à votre partenaire ce que vous choisissez. (For example, I'll read question 1: "what is the first thing you do when you arrive at your destination?" Your partner is going to choose their response and you read the choice. He or she can say: "response A is what I would do the most." After writing down their response, tell your partner what you would choose.)

4. At the end of the activity, have students write the most common answer from their partner. For example, if the partner chose "A" 3 times, "B" twice, and "D" twice, the student writes "A."

Maintenant, écrivez la réponse la plus commune de votre partenaire. Par exemple, si votre partenaire a répondu "A" 3 fois, "B" 2 fois et "C" 2 fois, tu vas écrire "A" parce qu'il y a plus de cette lettre que des autres.

5. Now, go through the slides that describe the traveler types and have the pairs discuss their results with each other. Do they agree with the result? Why or why not?

Discutez les résultats avec votre partenaire. Est-ce que vous êtes d'accord avec le résultat ou non ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?


Ask the following question(s) to finish the activity:

  • Quel est ton passe-temps préféré ? (What is your favorite hobby?)
  • Qu'est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre ? (What do you do during your free time?)
  • Quel est ton café préféré dans cette ville ? (What is your favorite coffee in this city?)
  • Est-ce qu'il y a un autre café que tu aimes dans une autre ville ? (Is there another coffee you like in another city?)
  • Préfères-tu aller au musée ou nager ou aller à la plage quand tu pars en vacances ? (Do you prefer to go to the museum or swim on the beach when you go on vacation?)
  • Est-ce que tu aimes les jeux vidéo ? Quel est ton jeu vidéo préféré ? (Do you like video games? What is your favorite video game?)
  • Où veux-tu aller cet été ? (Where do you want to go this summer?)
  • Préfères-tu voyager avec tes amis ou avec ta famille (Do you prefer traveling with your friends or with your family?)

Cultural Resources

Activities to Try in France

Places to Go in Paris

Must-See Places in France

End of Activity

  • Can-Do statement check-in... “Where are we?”
  • Read can-do statements and have students evaluate their confidence.
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements

  • I can talk about my interests and hobbies.
  • I can understand written instructions about familiar topics.
  • I can talk about activities I did in the recent past.

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