"You Complete Me" Paper Circuits


  • TSW build the path for electricity to flow using copper tape, 3V batteries and LEDs.
  • TSW identify open and closed circuits.

Supplies Needed:

  • Circuit design on cardstock
  • copper tape (be sure that the adhesive side is conductive)
  • LED
  • 3-volt battery

Students will be doing...

(Students can work individually or with a partner.)

Each student (group) will have 1 cardstock paper.  Students will fold over one corner of their cardstock page.  This will be where their battery must go.  They will use their pencil to draw a rectangle to show the path of their circuit.  The rectangle will be open at the corner where the fold is. The line should extend into the fold so that the copper tape can touch both sides of the battery.  Use a hole punch to place the hole where the LED will go. 

Students should label their rectangle with the switch (where it opens and closes), the energy source (battery) and the load (LED).  The line can be labeled as the conductor.  The copper tape will be placed over this line to run as the wire.  They should label the positive and negative areas to the battery and to the LED so that they can be sure to place the items on their correct sides.

Give students a strip of copper tape.  Remind them to not add extra folds into the tape as this will interfere with the flow of electricity.  They will then begin to trace their line with the copper tape.  When they get to the LED, they will want to place the leg of the LED under the tape, being sure that they have the positive/negative on the right side.  Continue the path to complete the tracing.  

Have students test their circuits.  If the LED doesn't light up, check the positive to negative connections, that the copper tape is smooth, and that the connections are complete.  


Students will be assessed on whether or not they were able to complete their circuit to light their LED.

Resources used to develop this plan:

https://chibitronics.com/circuit-sticker-sketchbook/ (This was used as a reference to understand how to draw the circuit lines.  Circuit Stickers were not used in this project.)

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