Primary Source Exemplar: Life on the Move

Standards Addressed

     CCSS.ELA-Writing.W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with  reasons and information.

Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details.

Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance. in order to, in addition).

Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

   Performance Task

The following activity is given to students:

You are living in the year___________ (state the year of era of the invention of the particular form of transportation). Your town has decided to outlaw the (car/train/plane/high speed fixed rail) because the Town Council is worried that it will bring too many changes. As a group, you will need to prepare and give a persuasive presentation to the Town Council with your group’s decision if banning this form of transportation is the right decision for your town. You will do this by researching and presenting whether this form of transportation (car/train/plane/high speed rail) will have a more positive or negative impact on your town using a variety of sources (primary and secondary). Remember to cite evidence from the primary and secondary sources to support your decision.

Your presentation needs to address the following:

What is the situation/problem regarding the use of this form of transportation in your town?

What are the choices (alternatives)? (Walk, ride a horse, take a train, fly on a plane etc.)- List the pros and cons of each choice. (Ex. Pro- time saved Con- highways take up space for farming land/houses)

What is your group's recommendation for the Town Council? (Do you want them to allow this new form of transportation in your town and why, or why not?  Will the car/train/high speed fixed rail/plane have a more positive or negative impact on your town?)

Each group will represent a faction wanting or not wanting this new form of transport. [class will determine the transportations as a whole]. Their job is to convince town council to approve the new transportation


  • Town Council

  • Business people

  • Environmentalists

  • Families in the community

  • Transportation company officials


A presentation [PowerPoint, Prezi, brochure, tri-fold display board, etc.] to convince the Town Council that they should change their minds and let the transportation in.

They follow the steps below and create their presentation and give it to the Town Council [you can video tape it]. Poll the Town Council - and then poll the class -- and see the differences of opinion. You can continue this process as long as you want - negotiating if necessary - or complete it with the vote of the Council.

Note: Although it will be a group presentation, each student will be graded on the completion of his/her own decision-making grid (see example below) along with a written decision that addresses the points listed above in a short essay (3-5 paragraph opinion essay). They should use their completed graphic organizers from each lesson to help them. If a student disagrees with the group's decision, this paper is an opportunity to explain his or her own reasoning using primary and secondary sources to support decisions.

Example decision-making grid

Form of Transportation




(Remember to cite sources)


(Remember to cite sources)

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