Primary Source Exemplar: Nutrition and Human Rights (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Nutrition  and Human Rights Unit Overview
Biological Science, Human Rights, Food and Culture, Primary Sources - Science, Food and Agriculture, Global Economy, International Policy, Text-Based Discussion, Food and Nutrition, Primary Source Exemplar, Data Analysis, Biological Chemistry, Text Based Resources
Attached Resources:
Primary Source Exemplar: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Social Science Unit
Lesson #1: What do you eat? – Making a diet journal and interpreting information from a database
Lesson #2: Why do you eat? – Interpreting Primary Sources and Writing Claims about Diet and Nutrition
Lesson #3:  Are all foods equal? – Interpreting Primary Sources and Writing Claims about Nutritional Strategies
Lesson #4: How is access to food a Human Rights issue? – Interpreting Primary Sources
Lesson #5: What are barriers to Appropriate and Equitable Nutrition? – Researching for Primary Sources
Lesson # 6: How do changes in the human food supply affect the rest of the ecosystem?
Summative Assessment: How can we solve nutritional barriers while minimizing negative ecological impacts?


In this unit, students examine the question: How does access to a specific diet (nutrition) impact human rights? As students explore biological information on how the human body uses food as a source of energy, they will explore the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) document, to examine the crucial question of how access to a proper diet is related to a person’s rights.