Spanish Level 1, Activity 09: ¡Tantas Preguntas! / So Many Questions! (Face-to-Face)

Please Note: Many of the activities on the Pathways Project OER Repository were created by upper-division students at Boise State University and serve as a foundation that our community of practice can build upon and refine. While they are polished, we welcome and encourage collaboration from language instructors to help modify grammar, syntax, and content where needed. Kindly contact with any suggestions and we will update the content in a timely manner.  — The Pathways Project

Looking for the English Version of this activity to adapt for your language? CLICK HERE

About the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) Language Activity Repository

The activities provided by the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) serve as foundational activities which can be adapted by any language and scaled up or down on the proficiency scale. Many of these activities offer an English Version that is “language-agnostic” to provide language instructors from around the country a platform to remix these instructional materials, infusing them with their target language and culture! The activities within the Pathways Project OER Repository seek to help students solidify their interpersonal speaking and interpretive skills through task-based situations or communicative activities. These activities should be facilitated in the target language for approximately 90% (or more), per the recommendation of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

How to use the WLRC Repository’s Activities:

1. Use the Activity as is:

Before you begin:

  • Most activities are 30 minutes in duration, unless otherwise specified.
  • Be sure to read through the activity description, and review the list of required materials. You will notice that the activity materials are also highlighted in yellow throughout the activity instructions.

If you have any suggestions about grammar, syntax, and content, please kindly contact

2. Remix for Your Language Classroom:

When you are ready to begin remixing the activity, in order to adapt it for the needs of your language classroom, simply click the blue “Remix This Resource” button at the top of your screen. This will then take you to a screen with a NEW, editable version of this activity. The text provided in purple is a suggestion of what you might say to your students in the target language, and may be altered for different levels and age groups. All activities have “NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do” statements, a warm-up, a main activity, and a wrap-up.

Many of the activities include printable cards and other instructional materials such as Google Slideshows. If you would like to make changes to these materials for your classroom, follow the instructions below:

  • Google Slideshows:
    • To begin, go to File -> Copy to create an editable version of the slideshow.
    • Once finished with your changes, please complete the following steps to share:
    • Click on Share
    • Who Has Access
    • Ensure link sharing is on and allow external access.
  • Materials Saved as PDF: Please email and we will provide you with an editable copy. Please allow up to two business days for a response. For YouTube videos and other websites, hyperlinks are provided. 

3. Adapt for Another Language:

  • See the linked English Version at the top of the activity (English Version may not be available for all activities)

"¡Tantas Preguntas!", Spanish, Novice Mid

Proficiency Level:

Novice Mid


This activity will help students practice initiating conversations in Spanish with someone. They will use phrases and vocabulary that will help them gather information from a person as well as giving information about themselves. Students will talk about school life, weather, and activities they enjoy. 


Questions, answers, summer, winter, campus, library, stadium.

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Idaho State World Language Standards:

  • COMM 1.1 - Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
  • COMM 2.1 - Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • COMM 3.1 - Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media in the target language.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can provide personal information about what I like to do in different places and during different times of the year
  • I can answer a variety of simple questions
  • I can make simple statements in a conversation

Materials Needed:

Whiteboards & Markers


Envelope Covers

Location Cards

Discussion Cards

Verb Cards

Google Slideshow (Linked)

Would you like to make changes to the materials? Access the template(s) below:

- Envelope Covers  (Canva Template, free account required)

- Location Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

- Verb Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

- Question Cards (Canva Template, free account required)


1. Begin by opening the Google Slideshow and introduce the Can-Do Statements. 

2. This activity is similar to Mad-Libs! For the warm up, students should be in pairs, or divided into three groups, and each pair must have a whiteboard. Each group will be assigned with specific tasks. one group should write a subject (person). Another group writes a verb and one more group should write a place.

Para este calentamiento, deben estar en parejas, o estar en tres grupos. Todas las parejas van a tener una pizarra. Una pareja necesita escribir un sujeto (persona), una va a escribir un verbo, y la otra un lugar.

3. For example: 


Panda Express, Bailar, Shakira. 

Shakira baila en el restaurant de Panda Express. 

4.  Instruct the students to work together and form the sentence that conjugates the verb! (Do three to four of these, having them change the roles each time.)

Vamos a trabajar juntos para formar una frase con un sujeto, verbo y lugar. Vamos a conjugar el verbo.

5. Make sure to switch around who chooses the verb, subject and place.

Okay, ahora vamos a cambiar de papeles. Ustedes van a escribir el sujeto, ustedes el verbo, y ustedes el lugar. 

Main Activity

1. Put students into groups of 2 or 3. Each group will start at a different station. Groups will have 3 minutes (more or less) to respond to the questions at each station. There are verb suggestions on the wall, but the students can use others if they want. The objective is to practice responding to the questions in each station. There is no wrong or right answer! The only rule is that you must use Spanish.

Ahora vamos a trabajar en grupos de 3 o en parejas. Vamos a practicar el acto de responder a las preguntas. Cada grupo va a empezar con un lugar diferente. Hay seis ubicaciones diferentes. Van a tener más o menos tres minutos para responder a las preguntas en los lugares. Hay verbos en la pared que pueden usar para ayudar (gesture to wall), pero pueden usar otros si quieren¡No hay respuesta correcta! ¡La única regla es que tienen que hablar en español!

2. Students will pull out one discussion question from the yellow envelop at a time. They will read the card aloud to their group and each group member will respond in Spanish for themselves. Students will visit at  lease three of the five stations. 

Cada persona en el grupo va a escoger una tarjeta con una pregunta y todos deben responder en Español. Después de 3 minutos, cambien de lugar y hagan lo mismo. 

3. Make sure each student has the change to answer 2-3 questions about themselves, and then have them rotate groups. 

 Ejemplo: ¿Cuál es tu actividad durante el invierno en Boise? Mi actividad favorita es caminar en el greenbelt.


Ask students some of the following questions to finish the lab: 

  1. EN EL VERANO Preguntas:
    • ¿Qué les gusta hacer en el verano?
    • ¿Les gusta nadar?
    2. EN EL INVIERNO Preguntas:
    • ¿Cuál es su actividad favorita para hacer en el invierno?
    • ¿Prefieren quedarse en casa o jugar en la nieve?
    3. EN LA BIBLIOTECA Preguntas:
    • ¿Estudian mucho?
    • ¿Cuánto tiempo pasan en la biblioteca cada semana?
    4. EL ESTADIO Preguntas:
    • ¿Les gusta ir al estadio a ver los juegos de fútbol americano? ¿Acuden a menudo (do you go often)?
    • ¿Juegan deportes? ¿Cuáles? Si no, ¿les gusta ver deportes?
    5. EN CAMPUS Preguntas:
    • ¿Pasan mucho tiempo en el campus?
    • ¿Cómo viajan por el campus?
    • ¿Qué les gusta hacer en elcampus?

End of lab:

• Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. 
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.) 
• Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
• Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future labs!

Relevant NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can provide personal information about what I like to do in different places and during different times of the year
  • I can answer a variety of simple questions
  • I can make simple statements in a conversation

Download: Verb Cards

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