Spanish Level 1, Activity 04: Vamos a Hacer un Trato / Let’s Make a Deal (Face-to-Face)

Did you know that you can access the complete collection of Pathways Project Spanish activities in our new Let’s Chat! Spanish pressbook? View the book here: 

Please Note: Many of our activities were created by upper-division students at Boise State University and serve as a foundation that our community of practice can build upon and refine. While they are polished, we welcome and encourage collaboration from language instructors to help modify grammar, syntax, and content where needed. Kindly contact with any suggestions and we will update the content in a timely manner. 

Vamos a Hacer un Trato / Let’s Make a Deal


In this activity, students will practice vocabulary associated with school supplies. The activity facilitator will show a picture of an item and the first student that takes the item out of their backpack and says its name in the target language will receive a point. Students will also have the opportunity to show whether a statement applies to them, such as “having four roommates.” Students who have four roommates will be asked a follow-up question and if they can answer, they receive a point.

Semantic Topics:

Deal, make a deal, school, school supplies, objects, backpack, escuela, objetos, mochila, materiales escolares

Grammatical Structures:

Present tense verbs, irregular yo forms, verbos en el presente, verbos irregulares en la forma de yo


School supplies


Purchasing school supplies

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can identify and present (when asked) items that are common in a classroom
  • I can respond to who, what, where, and when questions

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards

  • Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own.
  • Standard 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Idaho State World Language Standards

  • COMM 1.1 - Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
  • COMM 2.1- Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • COMP 2.3 - Compare and contrast authentic materials from the target culture with the learner’s culture.

Materials Needed:

Devices for each student

Kahoot Game 

Google Slideshow 


  1. Begin by opening the Google Slideshow and then introduce the Can-Do’s.
    Hola, ¿cómo están? Estoy ____. Vamos a empezar el lab de hoy con los can-do statements.
  2. Set up the Kahoot game on the projector. Students will be practicing vocabulary related to school, and the Kahoot game is an introductory review.
    Hoy, vamos a practicar vocabulario sobre la escuela. Por ejemplo, lápiz y libro son útiles escolares. Vamos a jugar Kahoot para repasar un poco de este vocabulario.
  3. Each student will take out a device (either their own device or a provided iPad) and open Safari, then go to “” Students enter the game pin that is displayed on the projector. Once all students are in the game, the instructor can start.
    Todos van a necesitar un teléfono o una tableta. Van a ir a y necesitan poner el número que sale en la pantalla.

Main Activity

Part One

1. Explain the activity to the students using the Google Slideshow.

2. Students will look for the objects that are on the slides. For example, if there is a slide with a pencil, students are going to look for a pencil in their backpacks, purses, or pockets. The first person to find the object needs to run, give the instructor the pencil and yell “I have a pencil!” to receive a point.

Yo tengo unas diapositivas de “Let’s Make a Deal.” (Write “tengo” up on the board and put “= I have”) ustedes van a buscar (“look for” gesture) los objetos que tengo en las diapositivas. Por ejemplo, si tengo una diapositiva con un lápiz, ustedes van a buscar el lápiz en sus bolsas, mochilas o bolsillos (point to pockets). La primera (use one finger for 1st) persona con el lápiz necesita correr (run gesture), darme (give gesture) el lápiz y gritar (= yell) “¡Tengo un lápiz!” para recibir un punto.


    1. Instructor: Estudiantes, yo necesito una _ _ _ _ _ . *shows the slide with a calculator*
    2. Estudiantes: *students look for a calculator in their bag*

*Instructor, you’ll want to keep track of points on the whiteboard. Write student names on the board and keep track! *

Part Two

1. The next set of slides will have different questions. Students will practice talking about themselves. (Erase “tengo” from the previous part of the activity and write “yo”=me) For example: “Students, who studies at the library?” The first person to raise their hand and say “Me!” will have the chance to win a point.

Ahora tengo diapositivas con preguntas diferentes. (Erase the “tengo” from the previous part of the activity and write “yo” = me) Por ejemplo: “Estudiantes, ¿quién estudia en la biblioteca?” La primera persona que dice “¡Yo!” y levantese la mano (gesture to raise hand) tiene la oportunidad de ganar un punto.

2. The student who said “Me!” first will have to answer a follow-up question. For example, “How many hours do you study at the library?” After the student answers the second question, they receive a point.

El estudiante que dice “¡Yo!” primero debe responder a otra pregunta. Por ejemplo: “¿Cuántas horas estudias en la biblioteca?” Después de contestar la segunda pregunta, el estudiante gana un punto.

3. Once you go through all the slides, add up the points from all the rounds and see who won!


    1. Instructor: Estudiantes, ¿quién estudia en la biblioteca? (Shows the slide with the library)
    2. First student to raise hand: Yo
    3. Instructor: (Ask a follow-up question, you can make up any question) Bueno, ¿cuántas horas trabajas en la biblioteca cada día?

4. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY IF TIME PERMITS: The instructor will show a video to students that has two Spanish-speaking students talking about school supplies.

Ahora vamos a mirar un video con dos estudiantes que van a charlar sobre los útiles escolares.

5. Students have to pay attention to the school supplies that are being mentioned throughout the video. Students can use a whiteboard to write some notes if they would like.

Ustedes deben prestar atención a los útiles que mencionan. Si quieren, pueden usar una pizarra para escribir unos apuntes.

6. Each student must say one school supply that they heard in the video. The instructor can write them on the whiteboard and do a comprehension check to make sure the whole group knows what each word means.

Ahora, cada uno de ustedes debe decir una cosa que dijeron los estudiantes en el video.”

Ej: “¿Para estar segura/o que todos entienden, que es un __?


Ask the following questions of students to gauge their understanding of the activity: 
  1. ¿Cuál es el objeto más importante que tienen en sus mochilas?
  2. ¿Les gusta escribir con una pluma/bolígrafo o un lápiz o solo usan una computadora? ¿Por qué?
  3. ¿Tienen un lugar favorito en campus?  

End of Activity:

• Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. 
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.) 
• Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
• Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future labs!

Cultural Notes:

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