ICPC Resources

This page provides resources related to California child welfare professionals' participation in the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). 

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ICPC Webinars

Interstate Compact on Placement of Children: Ensuring Adequate Protection & Support Services Across State Lines

ICPC Webinar - August 13, 2018

What is the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children?

The ICPC is a contract among member states and U.S. territories authorizing them to work together to ensure that children who are placed across state lines for foster care or adoption receive adequate protection and support services. The ICPC establishes procedures for the placement of children and fixes responsibility for agencies and individuals involved in placing children. To participate in the ICPC, a state must enact into law the provisions of the ICPC. In 1975, California adopted the provisions of the ICPC, now found at Family Code Section 7900, et seq. This statute designates the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) as "the appropriate public authority" responsible for administration of ICPC.The purpose of the ICPC is to protect the child and the party states in the interstate placement of children so that:

  • The child is placed in a suitable environment;
  • The receiving state has the opportunity to assess that the proposed placement is not contrary to the interests of the child and that its applicable laws and policies have been followed before it approves the placement;
  • The sending state obtains enough information to evaluate the proposed placement;
  • The care of the child is promoted through appropriate jurisdictional arrangements; and
  • The sending agency or individual guarantees the child legal and financial protection.

To learn more about ICPC and its history in the state of California, please visit the California Department of Social Services website.

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