C6 Wraparound and Resiliency Interventions for Sexual Exploitation (RISE): A Look at the Successful Collaboration of Care for Sexually Exploited Youth in Santa Barbara County

Shana M. Pompa; Lisa Conn Akoni


Sexually exploited youth are often multi-system involved (Behavioral Health/CWS/Juvenile Probation/Juvenile Court); as a majority have experienced sexual abuse; childhood trauma; homelessness; foster care/group homes; incarceration; legal issues; school failure; truancy; substance abuse and runaway behaviors requiring intensive Wraparound; trauma-informed and non-traditional supports (RISE). Santa Barbara County Behavioral Wellness developed the MHSA Innovations RISE Project (Resiliency Interventions for Sexual  Exploitation) in order to rehabilitate; restore and reintegrate CSEC survivors back into their communities; reduce sexual exploitation and diminish the stigma of sexual trauma in Santa Barbara County. Since 2015; Wraparound and RISE have worked together; along with other partner agencies; to cultivate a multi-agency approach in efforts to foster hope and resiliency in at-risk and sexually exploited youth; as well as keep them safe in their communities. This workshop will provide an overview of the traditional and nontraditional supports provided for at-risk and sexually exploited youth in Santa Barbara County; along with an overview of how Wraparound and RISE work together to provide multi-layered; strengths-based; culturally aware; trauma-informed; collaborative; needs-based supports to our most vulnerable of youth and their families.

Download: C6_51_Wrap_and_Resiliency_Interventions_for_Sexual_Exploitation_RISE--Pompa_Akoni_UXdlDo0.pdf

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