A4 Aligning Teaming Models to Achieve Best Practice: CFT; SOP and TDM

Jarred Vermillion; Alison Book; Joanne Pritchard


In 2018; the landscape of services for children and families being served in California Child Welfare Services has continued to evolve. One recent evolution is the use of Child and Family Teams as a vehicle for team planning. Child and Family Teaming (CFT) must integrate practices; services and supports for children; youth; non-minor dependents (NM Ds) and families in care. Two of the major practices to integrate with the CFT mandate include Safety Organized Practice (SOP) and Team Decision-Making (TDM) meetings. SOP is a collaborative practice approach that emphasizes the importance of teamwork in child welfare; and TDM is a facilitated team meeting structure to address placement issues for children involved or potentially involved in foster care. This workshop will focus on the promising practices and art of integrating SOP and TDM into a CFT process. Participants will leave with increased capacity to create one teaming process that meets the needs of the child; youth; NM D; parent; family agency and community.

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