Classroom space is designed and used creatively for multipurpose assignments and groupings

Jenni develops an organized space to enhance a middle school language arts class for increased student interaction.

Classroom layout is really important in a Blended Learning environment.  Often classrooms that are blended seem to look chaotic and unorganized, but truly, they are set up for the best student learning.  As evidenced in my attached pictures, my classroom is mostly grouped into tables. I think cooperative learning and group work is one of the best strategies for students, so like to have my students sit frequently in groups.  However, my work tables pull apart so students can work independently as well. In addition, I have large group work tables that students can use when working together or doing large independent projects. Finally, I have counter space that allows students to really focus independently.  Sometimes, I will share reading chairs and other flexible seating options with other teachers in my vicinity. Students even enjoy sitting on the floor when they need to accomplish certain tasks. All of this allows students the flexibility to sit, stand, and learn in a way that works best for them.  I would like to include standing desks as well as a couch or booth for more flexibility.

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