OER Development - Resource Tracker

Keep track of all the component content you will be adding to your resource slated for open licensing!

Provide resource title, author, and license with link to each item.
How to Attribute Creative Commons PhotosProvide resource title, author, and license with link to each item.

Provide resource title, author, and license with link to each item.

Your resource most likely contains other content in addition to the content created by you (e.g. graphics, activities, videos). In order to incorporate these items in your work, you need to make sure you have permission to do so. Ideally, use resources that are openly licensed or in the public domain. In cases where you cannot find a resource that clearly gives you usage, modification, and distribution permission up front, you may need to contact the copyright holder for permission. In the case of videos, you may Rejust want to provide a link to the site for online viewing. 

Proper attribution for all these component content items, is required. The spreadsheet below will help you keep track of all your incorporated content items so that you can build an attribution statement to go alongside or underneath each piece. The attribution statement should include the following information about the content item: TASL - Title (if possible), Author, Source, and License. 

Chart from How to Attribute Creative CommonsPhotos by fotor | CC BY SA

Download: OER Development - Resource Tracker (xlsx)


Quickstart Guide to Openly Licensed Resources | OSPI

Copyright and Open Licensing Guide | OSPI

Best Practices in Attribution | Creative Commons

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