Lesson Plan - Healthy Food


This is a sample of an interdisciplanary lesson plan about food and includes the use of authentic material.

This model lesson was featured on the STARTALK Multimedia Workshop. See more here: STARTALK Multimedia Workshop: Integrating Language, Culture and Content

Instructional Goals and objectives

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics

Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills

- Students examined food in the Arab countries, they went to a trip to a local Arabic restaurant, and practiced ordering food in Arabic. 

- Student know how to express likes and dislikes about certain Arabic food. Students can understand and interpret Arabic words that are related to day to day use. 

- Students can understand some Arabic - Spanish - English cognates

National Foreign Language Standards

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1

Can Do Statements

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:  What do you want students to learn from this lesson? What do you want students to understand, know or be able to do in relation to the standard(s)?

SMART GOAL: At least 80% of the students will be able to categorize different food they eat during the day to their 5 main categories with an accuracy of 8 out of 10 in the end of the class quiz. Also, at least 85% of the students are going to be able to analyze if the food they consume on daily basis is healthy or not with a 75% accuracy at the end of the unit assessment.

Lesson Outcome:

- Students will learn how to engage in conversation regarding  main food groups in food pyramid (Plate) with teachers and classmates (1.1)

-  Students will recognize the different types of food and which food group they belong to (1.2) - - Students will present to classmates their favorite dishes (1.3).

- Students will learn about what authentic food an Arabic person eat in breakfast, lunch, and dinner, thus recognizing main Arabic dishes from the Arab World ( 2.2)

- Students reinforce their knowledge in Health Science through the study of food categories and food pyramid and plate (3.1)

Objectives for control or form

Students will be able to

-          Use the present tense and pronouns when describing food they eat, like, and dislike (1.1).

Materials Needed

List the materials needed to complete this project in the classroom

- Worksheets


- Computer

Time Needed

Write the time needed to complete the activity, including preparation time, lessons and activities, and assessment

50 minutes

Instructional Strategies

Direct Instruction:

Instructional Strategies for Acquisition:
● Have students work in collaborative pairs (groups)
● Use graphic organizers (Frayer Model, Venn Diagram)
● Ask students to create nonlinguistic representations (images, diagrams, models, mental pictures, etc.)
● Ask provocative questions
● Ask students to summarize
● Use mnemonics or other memory strategies

Demonstration # 1:

Students will watch a 1:30 minutes video clips about food categories, and how they are important for the human body. In this section the use of cognates will be utilized to make content comprehensible to students cognates to be used (carbohydrate, vitamins, protein, calcium, macaroni, “Aruz”- Spanish)

Demonstration # 2:

As a revision the teacher will go over the food pyramid and the new format the students have to use in class. The teacher then displays some food items and demonstrate using Arabic the names of the food items and the categories they belong to.

الخبز من فئات الحبوب Bread is from the grains (carbohydrates category)

اللبنة من فئات الألبان( culture yogurt is from the diary category )

الخيار من فئات الخضار(cucumber is from the vitamin and minerals category)

Teacher will emphasis the phrase ( this is healthy food, it is from the --- category, and our body needs it

الخبز من فئات الكربوهيدرات و هو صحي و يحتاجه الجسم

“Bread is from the carbohydrate category, it is healthy and the body needs it”

Guided Practice:

Demonstration #3:
Guided Practice: How will students engage with content to develop skills and knowledge?
Guided practice

Teacher distributes ziplocks that contains different Arabic food items. Students will work in triads in to classify the food into their different food categories. Students will pick three food items from these bag and express whether they like the food or not and whether they think it is healthy or not.

Check for Understanding: I will be checking for understanding by moving around groups and asking students specific questions about certain foods and what are they made of, and where in the food pyramid do they belong.

Independent Practice:

The teacher shows series of power point presentation that states food that the teacher eats on daily basis, and stating which categories they belong too. Teacher shows food that she likes, and food that she does not likes, and emphasizing whether what she eats is healthy or not.  Students ask their partner what they eat on daily basis.

Independent Practice:

The teacher hands in a Venn diagram worksheet. Through this worksheet students compare the food they eat on daily basis with their friend’s food. They will decide by looking at the diagram whether food consumed mostly is healthy or not healthy. And who eats healthier food than the other.


Reflection / Processing / Closing:

Students will be handed a short multiple choice quiz that will test their understanding of today’s lesson. The quiz will measure how many students were able to classify different food  in their appropriate categories. Also, grades will be given to students while interacting in different activities throughout the lesson.

Academic Vocabulary

List and define new vocabulary used in this activity

Food pyramid, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, oils, calcium, healthy, not healthy, my plate

الهرم الغذائي، كربوهيدرات، فيتامينات، بروتينات، زيوت، كالسيوم، صحي، غير صحي، طبقي


How will know if each student understood the lesson?  What formal or informal assessment at the close of the lesson will serve as evidence that students have met the lesson objective? How will you check for understanding?

There are two types of assessments that will be given to students to measure the success of the lesson as follows:

  1. Students will take a quiz end of the period to show their ability in categorizing food in the different food types in Arabic, and decide whether the food they eat is healthy or not.
  2. End of unit assessment will be given to students on 1/30/2012. The performance assessments is as follows: 

Assessment prompt:

 Search the net and find three dishes from different Arabic-speaking countries. Name the food, identify its origin, tell what type of dish it is (salads, appetizers, main dish, sweets), tell whether it is healthy or not, tell three of its main ingredients, tell what food category this item belong to, and decide whether it is healthy or unhealthy.  

Students will be graded on the use of Arabic language, their ability to interpret correctly Arabic information from different sites (Blooms 2), ability to  analyze and categorize food items in the food plate (categories) (Blooms 4), ability to evaluate whether the food item is healthy or not (Blooms 6) .


Rubric attached to this lesson plan

Student Work

Upload images, documents, pdfs, and/or videos that show examples of student work

Samples of students work could be found on the following blog


Student Data

Class Composition(Record in Numbers)


#ELS: 8 #SWD:    1 #Gate:  7 #SELs: 9  
# Adv/Prof: 11 #B: 7 #BB/FBB: 1   Males:        15    Females:4


Additional Resources

Download: A video used to teach this lesson plan


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