Template for example activities

Main box. This is the main body of the activity, where you provide a complete description including everything a teacher would need to know in order to use it in her own teaching. We suggest you use the following sub-headers and types of information. For the full description of the template download this pdf-file.

Download: Template_for_example_activities_U7MTY87.pdf

In a nutshell

  • What and why: What is the activity about, both in terms of open data related topics and other topics, and why is the activity is useful.
  • Prerequisite knowledge: What students might need to know (if anything) in order to successfully participate in the activity.
  • Stuff you need: Any equipment, software or materials needed. If possible, use commonly available or open source options.
  • Estimated time: Approximate duration of the activity.

Suggested intended learning outcomes

These will be repeated in the metadata on the Describe tab, but putting them here will allow you to demarcate which outcomes are related to open data competencies and which are related to disciplinary or other competencies. It also you allows you to frame and comment on the outcomes if you feel the need.

Example dataset

Describe the kind of dataset needed. If it is helpful, provide an example or recommend a specific dataset. Remember to provide complete and accurate references, including a persistent identifier, for any datasets you mention.

Suggested activity and instructions

Describe instructions and elements of the activity, including when and how to use materials/equipment/software in their natural, chronological order. Instructions might include advice on group size, plenary activities, how to introduce concepts, and how to instruct students.

Options and adaptations

Advice on how the activity could be adapted to other disciplines, or changed to work with other types of datasets or materials, or just anything that would allow one to achieve something similar in a different context.

Similar activities

Links to other activities supporting the same open data key concepts that the current activity’s learning outcomes support. Other example activities OD outcomes related to [tag1], [tag2], [tag3], …,  [tagn].

Ancillary resources, files and supplements

Any specific advice/instructions or supplementary files/templates, code etc. that may be helpful for a smooth implementation. If possible, use commonly available or open source options.

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