Using PhotoVoice in the Classroom

PhotoVoice = Photograph + Paragraph


•      Find a picture related to an astronomy concept you have studied this semester.

•      You can take your own photo (preferred) or find one on or NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) website

•      Quality of photo does not matter.

•      Write a one paragraph caption about that photo that explains one concept you have studied this semester.

•      Put both the photo and the paragraph on one slide (photo on top and paragraph underneath).

•      Include your name, chapter, and date at the bottom of the slide

•      Do not email them – they must be submitted in the proper D2L discussion board


Grading Rubric (maximum score is 15 points)

  Failing Below Average Average Exemplary

No photo included. 

 0 points
The photo is not related to a  chapter concept and does not illustrate the concept effectively

4 points
The photo is related to a  chapter concept but does not illustrate the concept effectively

5 points
The photo captures a concept from the chapter in an engaging and effective way  

6 points

Integration with
Chapter Content
No paragraph included.     

0 points
Although a paragraph is included, the concept is not accurately represented and/or does not relate to the photo

4 points
The paragraph makes vague or indirect connections between the photo and the chapter concept  

5 points
The paragraph analyzes and explains the ways the photo relates directly to a chapter concept    

6 points

Format and Writing
Format has not been followed. Serious grammatical and mechanical errors.

Required format of the assignment has not been followed.  There may be grammatical or mechanical errors.    

1 point
Photo is at the top of the page, paragraph is at the bottom.   Submitted as a single page document file.  Paper has grammatical or mechanical errors.

2 points
Photo is at the top of the page, paragraph is at the bottom.  Submitted as a single page document file.  Paper has been proofed and there are no grammatical or mechanical errors.
3 points


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