Create a Career Research Project using Google Slides

Title: Use Google Slides to Create a Slideshow Presentation

Overview:  Students will use Google Slides to create and present a slideshow based on the topic of “My Future Career”. Students will research content and the use of Google Slides will be facilitated by the Computer/Digital Literacy Teacher.

Content/Context: The content will be based on the student’s chosen future career and will include elements such as motivation, education and training, job description, salary and job growth. This lesson is aimed at students preparing for college and careers, in an advanced writing class.

Length of lesson: 8 hours

Digital Literacy Standards addressed: PowerPoint 1 - 15

College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) and/or Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) Standards addressed: TBC

Lesson Objective(s): At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: create and present a slideshow in Google Slides.

Assessing Mastery of the Objective(s):  By the end of this lesson, students will have created a coherent slideshow, based on their chosen career subject, that is ready to present. The slideshow will contain relevant information about their chosen career (based on the questions asked in the questionnaire); include pictures to enhance the information provided; include slide transitions; show changes to individual slide layout (if applicable); show the selection of a theme for the slideshow and cite/quote information sources.(based on the Google Slides rubric in the Questionnaire document)

Prerequisites: Students require an active GMAIL account to be able to access the Google suite of programs, including Google Slides.

Materials/links: A questionnaire will be provided to students to help them gather the information they required for their slideshow content. (a copy is included in the materials).  The questions asked on the questionnaire are to be used as slide headings and/or determine content. A rubric is also included detailing what each slide should contain. 

Download: Career_Research_Google_Slideshow_questionnaire__rubric.docx

Lesson Outline:

Introduction: An introduction to the topic of the slideshow to be made by the class teacher outlining the goals and standards required of the final product. This is to be followed up by an introduction to Google Slides.

Explanation/Modeling: The functions of Google Slides are to be modeled and explained by the Computer/Digital Literacy Instructor.  These would include adding/duplicating slides, changing slide layout, adding slide title (best practice), selecting a theme, inserting pictures (from files on the computer/network or from online), manipulating images, inserting text boxes, formatting text, including animations.

An example slideshow could be used to give students some guidelines as to how their final slideshow should look and what the content should be.

Guided Practice: Students will follow the Instructor’s lead in creating their initial slides, theme, slide titles, slide layout(s), inserting and working with pictures, inserting and working with text boxes, formatting text as appropriate.

Independent Practice: Students will create new or duplicate slides as appropriate; students will add relevant content; students may change the slideshow theme; students will add and format text as appropriate (to the chosen theme); students will insert and work with pictures; students will insert and work with text boxes; students will cite sources of information as appropriate and as outlined by their Class teacher.

Student Reflection on Learning, Closure, Connection:  Students will present to their fellow students, if time allows, in the Computer Class.  Otherwise, students will carry out presentations and reflections with their class teacher.

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