Moving the Cursor on a Google doc T-chart

Title: Moving the Cursor on a Google doc T-chart  

Overview:  In this lesson, students will practice using a mouse in order to write on a Google Doc T-chart as a class. After this, they practice in pairs.

Content/Context: This is an adult beginning ESL class with scores under 199 on the 27/28 and 81R /82R CASAS test.  The students are learning about Housing vocabulary. Some learners have more computer exposure than others; students will be paired with a higher-skilled learner together with a lower-skilled learner (same L1 if possible).

Length of lesson:  30-45 minutes

Digital Literacy Standards addressed: Identify mouse pointer, knowledge of keys on the keyboard,

Review: vocabulary words house, apartment, apartment building, and various rooms,  furniture, such as stove, sink, bed, lamp…

New: computer terms, such as mouse, pointer, click, arrow, cursor 

College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) addressed: W.1.6 “Use produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others."    L.1.5 “Demonstrate understanding of ...word relationships…”

Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) Standards addressed: Learning Strategies, Critical Thinking

Lesson Objectives:

1. At the end of this lesson, students will be able to move the mouse cursor to the correct location on a Google doc with the assistance of the teacher and then with a partner.

2.  At the end of this lesson, students will be able to position and type a Housing term under the correct heading of a T-chart on a Google doc.

Assessing Mastery of the Objective(s):  By the end of this lesson, students will be able to take turns working in pairs on one computer to move the mouse cursor to the correct side of a T-chart and type correct Housing words as evidenced by viewing the finished document. The teacher can then print the final document.

Materials/links: Chromebooks, projector & screen, Housing vocabulary word list

Lesson Outline:

Introduction: Teacher will discuss the fact that we use the computer for learning and how it is helpful and important in today’s learning.  T will tell Ss that today she will show, and they will practice, moving the cursor on a Google document .T will tell Ss that today we are also going to place Housing terms under the correct heading on the T-chart. (T will print a copy of their finished chart for them to keep as a review sheet.)

Explanation/Modeling:  The T will have the Google document ready and projected on the screen in front of the classroom with a T-chart template ready for use.  T will describe the Google doc paper and the T-chart organization set-up with ROOMS on one side and FURNITURE on the other side. T will show the mouse arrow on the screen and remind Ss how their hand on the mouse is responsible for moving that arrow. Most of the learners will have had previous exposure to and practice with mouse exercises and know how to move the mouse. (See  for practice using a computer mouse.)  T will ask students for a housing word and on what side of the T-chart it belongs. Then T will demonstrate how to move the cursor to the correct side and how to type the word there. T will repeat 3-4 times. (T will demonstrate the use of the “enter” key as well.)

Guided Practice: T will ask several Ss to come up one at a time to practice using the mouse to move the cursor and then type a word on the correct side of the T-chart.

Independent Practice:  Two students will work together on one computer taking turns to move the cursor and type one housing term on the correct side of the T-chart template set up already on their computer. ( T will need to get that template onto each computer ahead of time, or have Ss go to a blogspot where the T has it set up.) It's also extremely helpful to make sure to do this type of lesson when I have at least 1 or 2 knowledgeable volunteers circulating and troubleshooting.

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