Sociology Pathway

Course Summary:

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Life is social whenever we interact with others. Over time, patterns of interaction become embedded in the structure of society. Sociologists investigate and seek to understand the structure of groups, organizations, and societies and how people interact within these contexts.



Module 1: The Sociological Perspective and Methods of Inquiry

Module 1 Pre-Test

Seminar 1 - What is Sociology?

Seminar 2 - The History of Sociology

Seminar 3 - Sociological Theories

Seminar 4 - Approaches to Sociological Research

Seminar 5 - Research Methods

Seminar 6 - Ethical Concerns

Module 1 Test

Module 2: Social Structure: Culture, Institutions, and Society

Module 2 Pre-Test

Background Seminar - What Is Culture?

Seminar 1 - Elements of Culture

Seminar 2 - Pop Culture, Subculture, and Cultural Change and Theoretical Perspectives on Culture

Seminar 3 - Discuss the major theoretical approaches to cultural interpretation

Seminar 4 - Theoretical Perspectives on Society

Seminar 5 - Social Constructions of Reality

Seminar 6 - Theories of Self-Development

Module 2 Test

Module 3: Social Relationships: Self, Groups, and Socialization

Module 3 Pre-Test

Background Seminar - Types of Groups

Seminar 1 - What Is Marriage? What Is a Family?

Seminar 2 - Religion

Seminar 3 - World Religions

Seminar 4 - Sex and Gender

Seminar 5 - Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups

Seminar 6 - Theories of Race and Ethnicity

Module 3 Test

Course Challenge

Problem: Hunger and Homeless

Sociology  by K12 Learning Unlimited  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International LicenseCreative Commons License

This course is a remix of the following sources:

Introduction to Sociology by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License andCreative Commons LicenseCreative Commons License

© Saylor Academy 2010-2018 except as otherwise noted. Excluding course final exams, content authored by Saylor Academy is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

All images from and in public domain unless otherwise cited.

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