Intro to Culinary Arts: Recipe Adaptation

Intro to Culinary Arts:  Recipe Adaptations

Grade Level: 10th-12th

Subject: Intro to Culinary Arts

Duration: 1-2 (50 minute periods)

DOK Level:  3

SAMR Level: 3

Indiana Standard:

 ICAH-4.3 Adapt recipes for increased nutritional value and to accommodate special dietary needs


Students will examine how recipes can be adapted to increase nutritional value and/or accommodate special dietary needs.  Students will formulate changes to a particular recipe, then construct and evaluation the selected recipe.

Essential Questions:

  1.  What ingredient substitutes adequately improve the nutritional value of a recipe?
  2.  What health improvements await based on recipe adaptation?


  1.  Students will examine the article entitled, Recipe Makeovers:  Five Ways to Create Healthy Recipes.

       2.  Students will be randomly grouped in threes.  The group will select a recipe, make at least two ingredient substitutions, prepare the recipe, and evaluate it for taste, texture, color,  and nutritional value.  All written responses should be made on Evernote and a sample of the prepared recipe should be available for the class to review.

Product or Assessment:

  1.  Students will document the recipe, the ingredient substitutions and the evaluation in Evernote.
  2. Students will provide a sample of the prepared recipe for the class to review.


Students may provide the teacher with a verbal explanation of the required information.


Students can meet with restaurant chefs to discuss recipe adaptations commonly used in their setting.

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