Figurative Language

Figurative Language

Grade Level: 7

Subject: English

Duration: 45 Minute Lesson

DOK Level: 3

SAMR Level: Modification

Indiana Standard:

7.RV.3.1 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in works of literature, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) within a story, poem, or play.

Common Core Standard:



Students will be able to identify figurative language within a set of reading passages.


  1. Students will understand the types of figurative language
  2. Students will be able to use close reading skills to locate information within a text
  3. Students will be able to identify figurative language within a set of reading passages.

Essential Question:

What is the author trying to convey or describe by using figurative language?


  1. This lesson is ideal for a 7th grade class at the beginning of the year. This lesson is excellent prep for tests like the ISTEP or NWEA.
  2. The teacher will go over this slideshow while the students take notes.
  3. The students will use the share feature of Google Docs to work on this assignment in groups chosen by the students. Allowing students to work in groups on this activity will help build confidence in their reading skills and allow them to discuss anything they have not yet grasped in a comfortable setting.

Product or Assessment:

Students will work in groups to determine the figurative language used in each reading passage.

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