Reflection Questions Checklist – Elementary




Reflecting on Process Questions:


Am I learning in the best way for me?



How did I do?



What made _____ easy for me to do?



What other strategies could I use to help me?



What is really making me think?



How can I represent my thinking?



Reflecting on Progress Questions:


How am I doing?



How should I proceed?



How has my thinking changed over time?



What do I need to do if I do not understand?



How will I know if my work is good?



How am I going to improve my work and my working processes?



Where do I have to focus my revision?



Reflecting on Work Questions:


How was the project successful?



What might I do differently next time?



What do I understand now that I did not understand before?



How might I apply this understanding to other problems?



What surprised me about working on this project?



What do I still wonder about?



How do I think other people involved with the project felt it went?



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