Communication Checklist






I can use different listening strategies depending on the situation:



I can adapt my listening behavior to keep my attention focused:



I focus my gaze on the speaker.



I provide verbal and nonverbal feedback, such as nodding, clapping, taking notes, answering questions when asked, interjecting when appropriate, providing relevant comments, and asking clarifying questions.



I can use different listening strategies to interpret information:



I ask clarifying questions.



I ask probing questions to gain insight and consider other perspectives.



I paraphrase information.



I process information and ideas by drawing pictures, using graphic organizers, and taking notes.



I respond with elaboration using details, examples, and facts.





I can use language that is appropriate to the situation:



I select language that is respectful of others’ feelings and rights.



I choose language that builds relationships (supportive, encouraging, and constructive).



I choose language to influence others (persuade, correct, or disagree).



I adjust language to the situation depending on the purpose, role, or age of the people I am communicating with.



Working with Others:


I can show respect for others’ ideas:



I express myself in ways that promote the honest exchange of ideas.



I allow others to speak without interruption.



I ask for feedback and input from others.



I take turns.



I pay attention to the pause time, pace, volume, intensity, and body language of other speakers.



I respond to indirect and direct indications that others need clarification by interpreting voice tone and body language.



I provide examples, illustrations, or elaborations to clarify concepts when I infer that group members have questions.



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