Challenges Facing Adolescents Research Project

Challenges Facing Adolescents Research Project

Grade Level: High School

Subject: Sociology

Duration: 4-6 class periods

DOK Level: 4

SAMR Level: Modification

Indiana Standard:

S 1.8 Develop a research design applying appropriate methodology, and use of the scientific method as it applies to social scientific research; include the development of a hypothesis, data collection, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions.

S.1.9 Prepare original written and oral reports and presentations on specific events, people or historical eras as related to sociological research.

Objective: Students will develop a research design and use the scientific method as it applies to social scientific research, and create an original presentation and research paper.

Essential Question: What challenges do adolescents in American society face most?

Procedure: Students will view a powerpoint presentationover recent challenges most adolescents in American society are currently facing.

Product or Assessment:Students will be creating their own research design using the scientific method to find an answer to the essential question. Students will need to create two things to illustrate their findings: (1) an electronic presentation, and (2) an electronic research paper.

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