PBL project SLEEP

Unit: Informative Presentations

  • Persistent Issue: Students need a consistent amount of sleep in order to succeed in their daily tasks.

  • Central Question: What factors are needed in order to have a good night’s sleep?

Lesson 1: Grabber and Introduction

15 minutes

Introductory Grabber: The grabber for our activity will be a survey completed by the students. This survey will ask the students about their sleeping routines. This activity will serve as an attention grabber because the students will become aware of how their sleeping patterns are similar or different than their classmates, and how this overall effects their success.


Introduce the Central Question: After taking the survey, we will ask the students a few questions about what these statistics mean to them. Some of the questions we will ask include “Based off of the data, how many hours do you predict is healthy for you to sleep per night?”, “How do you think sleep affects how you feel the next day”, and “Do you think the use of technology before bed helps or hinders sleep?”. These questions will get the students thinking about sleep and what affects it. After these questions we will introduce the central question, “What factors are needed in order to have a good night’s sleep?”

Culminating Activity

Time for Kids article analysis and Piktochart creation.



Four 30-minute working periods

Introduction: To introduce our activity we will pass out the Time for Kids article and explain that the students will analyze the article. We will also explain Piktochart by showing the students a few examples of what a Piktochart is. To give the students scaffolding, we will briefly walk them through how to create a Piktochart. Some of the examples we will show include the following images. The images do not include actual information, so the students cannot use information already given. The example pictures will show students the intended use of Piktochart to inform fellow classmates of how/why to get better sleep.

Activity Overview: The students will be split into groups of four students. As a group, the students will read and analyze the Time for Kids article, “Sleep Tight!”, in order to understand the issue at hand. The students should pick out key details from the text to include in their Piktocharts. After analyzing the article, the students will all be in charge of finding their own reliable article that includes tips for getting better sleep. Once they have all gathered tips from their articles, they will vote on the best 10. These 10 tips will be included in their Piktocharts. The students should keep in mind throughout the activity that they will need to cite their information. When the students have gathered their information, they will begin drafting their Piktochart. We will have a rough draft check in after the first two days of work shopping. The students will continue to work on their projects for the next two workshops.

Preparation for Conference: In order to prepare for the conference, the students will turn present their final Piktocharts in front of the class. After presenting they will turn in their final products. The students presenting their final product will help to prepare them for presenting at the school project fair. Since the students turned in their final Piktochart, I will be able to give them feedback before hanging their Piktocharts in the hall. For the students to advocate for themselves, we will set up meetings with the main office to get their charts approved. This experience will help the students to speak on behalf of their research.


Exceeds standards

Meets Standards

Needs Improvement

Does the group present data in their Piktochart that they found in the Times for Kids article?

Did the group find their own resources for tips on how to get better sleep? Did the group condense their findings to the best 10?

Did the group create an engaging piktochart?

Group presentation of their piktochart. Did everyone in the group contribute to the presentation?

Did the group cite their sources from Time for Kids and the additional resources?

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