Multicourse Final Assignment

Mahoney OER
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Mahoney OER

Margaret Mahoney
Margaret Mahoney is an instructor of criminal justice at Montana State University-Northern. Her teaching and research interests include criminology, victimization, and gender.

Multicourse Final Assignment 

I observed that students often struggle to make connections between courses in a given semester. The inability to see these connections also seemed to cultivate apathy for courses that they did not think mattered in their education. This activity seeks to help eliminate the silos of education.

This is a proposal of a not yet implemented idea for a multicourse final assignment to improve cross-curriculum integration. That is, students who are required to submit a final paper, project, presentation in a course will be given the option of combining course projects. By producing one project that ties together two courses, students are encouraged to zoom out from course content and see how several courses interweave in collegiate education.

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