Success Stories: On the Radio

TED Radio Hour: Success (


  • Quick Write: What does it mean to be successful? Jot down your ideas of what it means to be successful based on your experience, people you know, things you have read, films you have seen, etc. in a T Chart in your notebook. Side One: What I'm Thinking. Side Two: What I'm Thinking Now.
  • See "Success Stories: Measures of Success" anticipation lesson. Rank the following measures: finances, work, family, health, property ownership, happiness, reputation.

Listening and Analysis

Complete the following steps with your group as you listen to your episode. 

  1. Use the SOAPSS Chart to analyze your group's TED episode.
  2. Take notes of quotations-- claims, evidence, explanations-- that you find compelling in your episode. 
  3. Identify with a quotation the speaker's main CLAIM. 
  4. Identify with quotations the GROUNDS (evidence) the speaker uses to support this claim. 
  5. Identify with quotations the WARRANT with which the speaker explains his or her assertions. 
  6. How would the speaker complete the following sentence? The key to being successful is ______________________________________________. 

Download: SOAPSS Reading Strategy.docx


Complete the following questions independently. 

  1. What specific comments do you agree with and why?
  2. What specific comments do you disagree with and why?
  3. What was the speaker's overall claim? 
  4. Does the evidence used support this claim effectively? Why or why not?
  5. Does the speaker explain his or her evidence thoroughly? Why or why not?
  6. In general, does this claim support or challenge your ideas on success? Make reference back to your quick write to explain. 
  7. What questions would you ask this speaker that would help gain a different perspective on their topic?

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