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  • art-movements
Using the Past to make Art for the Present
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Now it's time to be inspired by images of the past. using the link provided on this site you can gain an understanding of a variety of art movements in which you will pick one and learn about their style. Under the Art Movements tabs, click and read about: Abstract Expressionism, Cubism, Impressionism, and Surrealism. After reviweing these topics pick one and create a work based on the charcterstics and concpets of the movement. If you wish to pick another movement, e-mail me and we can discuss the option. Overall the image that will be turned in must be atleast 9" x 12" and be visually definable by the choosen movement. Choose wisely and the finished work will be due next week on Friday. 

Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Nancy McGuire
Date Added: